
Basic Information


Lamia are all-female mammals with lil fuzzy ears on the top of their head, snaky legs on the bottom, and humanoid in-between. They have limited parthenogenesis, but it's pretty rough on the kid, so they usually try to bag a primate. They don't have a ton of body hair, and do have scales, Selkie-types up north have fuzzy tails closer to seals, but they're still more ferret than snake.   Brain wise, they have acute senses, electrifying personalities and usually savvy language skills, all of which make them highly sociable and generally well-liked among societies that can accommodate their lifestyle.   They can live for over two centuries and age like wine the whole time.   Lamia are all anatomically female, though their ‘femininity’, as the Heavened races would construe it, varies from Lamia to Lamia with some appearing androgynous, or wholly masculine to an outsiders’ eye. Lamia can reproduce through parthenogenesis-- that is, asexually-- though that's generally done reluctantly.   They have to bask for a few hours a day along with sleeping, which is makes for a much better hunter than a farmer: thus they're usually pretty nomadic and don't work any harder than they positively have to. Living on the road's not easy, but they're opportunists by brain, body and culture. Hard work is for dumb people, Lamia work smart, not hard.

Genetics and Reproduction

It's a process of genetic pachinko what kinda monkey-dna translates to what lamia-dna, but it works well enough to keep them from going extinct, and successive generations without a mate start looking a lot more bestial. Different donor races mean different ears, too, and ear types are highly diverse and a subject of much attention between Lamia. Shapely ones are considered to be the deciding factor for Lamia-to-Lamia courtship (which accomplishes little reproductively but is practiced plenty regardless). Touch 'em right and they'll really appreciate it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lamia are obligate carnivores, becoming ill without a diet largely composed of meat, but supplement their diet with small amounts of wild fruits and herbs, of which they are usually rather selective.   Lamia are ambush predators. While not venomous, they are as strong as any human, and can pummel or constrict anything smaller than they are with their large, powerful tails, but prefer to use manufactured weaponry. Lamia use tools and coordinate with each other during hunts in order to bring down large prey, usually picked from the large herds of herbivores they tend to tail. Lamia also hunt for sport, and many consider it a fun diversion and delightfully good trickery practice.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Owing to their ferrety heritage, Lamia value cunning, independence, and the little things. Lamia see hard work as unfortunate and those who value it as dumb-- a "good" member of Lamia society gets what she or her tribe wants via the straightest route possible. As such, few have any reason to settle in the hardscrabble farming villages that line most Lamia caravan routes. Most Heavened races see Lamia as lazy vagrants, a stereotype settled Lamia combat, while nomadic ones struggle to see a problem with in the first place.


Disian lineages of Lamia trace their origins to a “Cthonic Serpent-Mother” a demigod-like being that resided somewhere in either Southern Shemarkhan or Tzang millenia ago, who is also was also responsible for birthing creatures like the Melusine, Siren, and Naga. Lamia differentiate themselves from their “sibling” species by preferring dry, arid climates, and gradually emigrated down the northern coast between Shemarkhan and Dis, where they’ve been known since prehistory. While most Lamia are not Wyrm-Worshippers, draconic iconography factors heavily into their garb and ritualism; something their culture tends to be both proud and defensive of, owing to centuries of persecution as an “unheavened” race by the Demiorgos.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Lamia are almost entirely nomadic, using caravans pulled by either giant lizards or Yak Boars to move around and follow game routes. Caravans are led by an elder matron, with an oracle or shaman serving as councillor. Most caravans rarely interact with mortal races, but they periodically stop in mortal settlements to trade for manufactured goods, They accept useful or ‘fun’ outsiders to stay in the clans; likely starting rumors of serpent-masked, Human, Dinnish, Slag, and Fey warriors among their raiding parties. They despise and often compete with harpies for game, captives and trade in a rivalry that traces its' way back to to before oral memory can recall.
Scientific Name
Lamia Lamia
Unheavened Race
80-200 years
Average Height
5-8m, counting tail