Rowan Free State

A democracy! A rare thing in Dis, Roewood is a scrappy place full of proud, militant humans.   Lucky break, considering their position in the host means they've been an imperial power, and imperial colony, been invaded, fractured consistently, and still managed to develop a thriving culture of art, philosophy, and especially dueling for 4000 years. The current Rowan government-- the Democratic one-- is actually 63 years old, experiencing a revolution immediately prior to the The Severing, and is very selectively loyal to The Catharate's law-and-order policy.
In governance, they're traditionally Libertarian and well-armed: they were a clannish confederation as an empire, and even amidst those clans, headmen led with a soft touch. Simply because Rowans raise their kids proud, and under no obligation obey stupid orders, or bend the knee to any ruler who'd look finer on a gibbet. Whether a Cathar is worthy of that investiture of trust is an unresolved issue for Rowans, even on an individual level.   [[They're a pretty militarized, Central American, Bolivarian republic with authority issues, basically]]
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