Solemn (Sōlemn Val'Matis)

Solemn Nemo Val'Matis

Solemn is a Jade Cambion from Vigensia. Born in the heart of Fey territory, at the bottom of their caste system, Solemn'ss early life was spent in the service of a liege lord, and only after she broke the tip of a sword off into him that she began to develop into an individual.   That individual was a vigilante, and later, a Werewolf. With social invisibility afforded to her by her caste, and lowe cunning afforded to her by the abuse heaped upon her in her early life, she vented her rage avenging the innocent and viciously punishing the guilty until the limits of her personal style made escaping harder, and her growing infamy meant pursuits were more abundant, swifter, and more dogged.   Then, Sol got an opportunity in the form of encountering a Lycanthrope cult; Jade Cambions sharing an archetype, all infected by a powerful Fiend with an affinity for canids and bats in equal measure. Sol proposed the offer: bite me, and I'll worship you for the remainder of my days.   They did, and she does. After several years on the lam, she found shelter and a more stable choice of system-fucking work running security for the Long Faire Night. Appropriately, she styles the security team as a pack of "domesticated wolves". The circus named them the Wolfworks, and it stuck. This makes her Rei's boss, technically.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
158 cm / 5'2"
70 kg / 155 lbs
Aligned Organization