
RAW: Dragons in Dis aren't the respected (and feared) movers and shakers of a traditional D&D campaign, quelle surprise. They're called Wyrms. (dragon's more specific). They eat magic, and they hibernate, usually on tasty, warm ley lines.
  They're basically fucking kaiju. as such, Wyrms aren't schemers: they are highly ambivalent forces of fucking nature. If you're picturing more "Godzilla" than "Ashardalon", right on.
  They're all stunningly intelligent (they have some ability to glean information from dreams), but even the nicer ones are staggeringly difficult to reason with-- the scope of their perception is just that much greater. Even a whole nation scarcely registers in comparison.
  The mercy is that their metabolism quickens considerably when they're awake. While they're pretty sleepy in, like, a week, it's still a fucking calamity of the highest order.
  They don't cause any real problems right NOW-- people are used to it where it happens-- even if it's irregular, though it's certainly not fucking welcome in any capacity).
  They're more active since the severing: more food, it's been speculated. That is very bad thing for mortalkind, as a rule. These things are fucking natural disasters in lizard-skin.
  Wyrms are clearly highly intelligent, but nobody's sure where they came from. More than anything, Wyrms like sleeping, and that's part of the reason they don't really have a society: they're quite happy to sleep-eat-repeat.
  They still like treasure, though: valuable shit soaks up Numena gooder, so it serves some biological purpose as a snack-battery. They clearly take more than they actually need though, so clearly it's some feedback loop in their brain about shiny objects.
  Wyrms are dedicated superpredators: they're their own class of teratogenic, biological organisms, each one an utterly different chimera than the other, they're frighteningly over-adapted to causing mass death, and are horrifying-looking as a rule: such the kind of thing early man would ponder about in horror blackening the sky outside of their caves.
  The smaller a wyrm is, the more active it is. Demi-wyrms, most abundantly drakes (which are horse-sized), who work on a much more reasonable scale, at the cost of having stupid little birdy brains by comparison. They are a fucking nuisance, but there's a province of drake riders on Dis's west cost (Vykkengraf).