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Black Knights
Very few have ever seen a darknut without their helmet, and fewer still have lived to tell the tale. Standing several heads taller than the average person, and bearing a canine-like visage with gleaming red eyes, a darknut is a truly intimidating sight to behold. Their heavily muscled bodies are covered in a coat of short, fine fur which is typically grey or black with markings of tan or white which are unique to each individual darknut.

A Hidden Homeland
As few know the true face of a darknut, fewer still know where they come from. When a darknut is born, it is nurtured until it can walk, at which time it is sent to one of many secluded knight academies by a veteran darknut. There they learn all they need to know about combat, decide where their skills lie, and hone them to a razor’s edge. Once a darknut comes of age, they are put through a series of grueling trials in which the weak are left behind, and only the strongest survive. Once a darknut passes their final test, they are given their title and are given their first assignment. From then on, they may never encounter another darknut again- unless it is at swordpoint.

For the Prestige
A great importance is placed on a darknut’s monetary worth. Not because of the value of money itself, but the more someone is willing to pay for the services of a darknut, the higher their standing amongst others of their kind. High ranking individuals are not shy about their worth, and will embellish their armor to let others know their place. The more ostentatious a darknut’s equipment, the more famous- and dangerous- that individual is.

Darknut Names
Darknuts are not given names at birth. They earn their title through their actions and achievements, and wear such a title with great pride.
Male: Avitus, Brutus, Cestus, Dominus, Iovanius, Lucivius, Regulus, Triumvirus
Female: Agrippa, Atrocia, Caedia, Dominita, Maxima, Octavia, Tacita, Zita

  Darknut Traits
Your darknut character has the following traits.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Darknuts reach adulthood by their early teens, but otherwise have lifespans equivalent to hylians.
Alignment. Darknut society is a strict, harsh, militaristic hierarchy which follows the strongest side. Through the ages, this has nearly always placed them at the right hand of the Demon King Ganon. They tend toward lawful evil.
Size. Darknuts are between 7 and 8 feet tall, and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Always Armed. Your harsh upbringing has turned your body itself into a weapon, capable of dealing mighty blows with your fists and feet. If you hit with them, they deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage + your Strength modifier.
Dark Knight. You gain the Martial Adept feat.
Martial Training. You are proficient with one martial weapon of your choice, and with shields.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, pull, drag, or lift.


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