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Hylia's Chosen People The most prominent and major home of the hylians is the iconic Kingdom of Hyrule, formerly the nameless Surface. It is where the ancestors of the hylians, the people who lived among the goddess Hylia, resided during the Era of the Goddess Hylia. Living among Her Grace in the unnamed land, they had magical powers that passed down to their descendants. When a massive war broke out across the Surface and the goddess took up battle with the demon king Demise, she sent the human survivors into the sky on the outcrop of earth that became known as Skyloft. It is not until after they rediscover the Surface thousands of years later that the Kingdom of Hyrule is established by Hylia's descendants and becomes the home of the hylian race once more.   Kingdom of Diversity Compared to other races, hylians are very organized. It is normal and even expected for every adult within their population to have a profession or other occupation that contributes to their society as a whole. Their economies are very robust, their military forces are often well-trained, and their libraries of knowledge tend to be relatively deep and broad. Unlike many other races, hylians tend to be very sympathetic towards creatures outside their own race, often even when the sentiment is not mutual. It is this compassion that earns them the respect of most other races, particularly gorons and sea zora, who are traditionally the closest allies of hylians.   Colorful Society Hylian skin shades range from nearly black to very pale. Hair grows from the scalp in one color from black, blonde, various shades of red and brown, navy blue, and sparsely more exotic hues, but in most cases hair gradually fades into gray and white starting from about middle age. Males often but don't always grow hair from the lower part of their face. Hylians bear small ears that extend from either side of their head, like gerudo. These ears often end in upwardly protruding points.   Almost all hylian features are inherited from parents or grandparents, with few if any random mutations seen in offspring.   Hylian Names Hylian names encompass many styles and originate from diverse cultures, but each is most likely comprised of two syllables. Surnames are rarely used except for nobles or royalty.   Male: Beedle, Dampé, Daphnes, Error, Gaepora, Groose, Gulley, Gustaf, Ingo, Jovani, Kafei, Link, Mutoh, Sakon, Talon   Female: Agitha, Amei, Anju, Aryll, Cremia, Karane, Linkle, Irene, Marcy, Mallara, Malon, Peatrice, Romani, Telma, Tetra, Zelda   Hylian Traits Your hylian character has the following traits. Ability Score Improvement. All of your ability scores increase by 1. Age. Hylians reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century. Alignment. Hylians vary wildly in alignment. The best and worse are found among them. Size. Adult hylians are usually between 5' and 6' tall. Your size is Medium. Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.


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