Greland The Second Battle of Thurnon

The Second Battle of Thurnon

Military: Battle

8/4 1:00

With the North-Western gate to the city thrown open by Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford and the members of Sola's Vanguard, ser Newall Foxworth ordered his army forward.
Although the gatehouse had been seized, the alarm had been raised and the city's walls bustled with crossbowmen and archers while the engineers manning siege weapons mounted to towers began to calculate trajectories. The foxworth army faltered, but ser Newall, knowing that his wife lay injured within the gatehouse, could not. He commanded his loyal Household Knights forward unsupported.
As the Foxworth knights made the gatehouse, so too did the first of the Irogonians, and a bloody exchange of blows followed. Sola's Vanguard charged into the fray to relieve the knights, allowing Alis, riding behind ser Newall, to dismount and attend to Lady Ophelia.
For a moment, as the martial prowess of the knights cleared the gatehouse. it seemed that the battle had been won in one decisive melee. This illusion was shattered by the arrival of cadre of White Knights. They first rode down the exhausted members of Sola's Vanguard, before following up into the Household Knights and routing them in a matter of seconds.
As Duke Newall himself surrendered to the head of the column of knights, he heard the distant sound of ser Brannyn Blest's signallers sounding the retreat.

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Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)
The Foxworth Duchy (article)
The Kingdom of Irogonie (article)