Greland Class One-Hundred-and-Fifteen Travels to Bayglen

Class One-Hundred-and-Fifteen Travels to Bayglen

Discovery, Exploration

433KS 22/5

Given leave to explore The Spire, Class One-Hundred-and-Fifteen found themselves stepping through one door, looking for the Spire's library, and into The Royal Archive, Bayglen.
Even stranger, they found that they had exited the Spire on the Twenty-Second of May 443Ks, just as the news was breaking of King Samuel Somercrag's death.
When they attempted to return to The Spire via the door they had arrived through, they found that it simply led to the Archive's basement.

Related Location
The Royal Archive, Bayglen
Related timelines & articles
The Life of Colrin Blest (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of Kaina Merlyn (article)