Gods Awaken
The beings known as Elder Gods, come to consciousness. This event marks the start of the ancient historical period referred to as, "The Age of Gods".
The Elder Gods ceate the first beings in their image, bringing ushering the world into a new era known as "The Dark Ages".
Progress of the world moves forward, leaving the Dark Ages behind into what is the first recorded period of time known to man. This era would later become known as Before the Cataclysm.
The current era of the world known as After the Cataclysm (AC), from the events that cause The Great Sunder.
On the 12th of Tempest, 4000 (B.C.)
The Horde spills out of the Great Sunder, razing everything in their path; Bringing forth in their wake absolute chaos, death, & destruction..
These events will bring the end of an era. The era of peace before the Great Sunder & Horde Invasion, will become known as, Before Cataclysm (B.C.). These events and time moving forward have ushered in a new Era recorded as After Cataclysm (A.C.).