Gretaria Tritons

Definitive Traits (These are granted):

1. Amphibious

You can breathe both air and water. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.  

2. Darkvision

You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in darkness only as shades of gray.   ---  

Optional Traits (Choose 3):


1. One with the Ocean

You can control water around you. When standing on or submerged in water, add your proficiency bonus to the damage of your spells and attacks.  

2. Underwater Hunter

While submerged in water, if fighting an enemy without a swimming speed of 30 feet or more, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against them.  

3. Underwater Bulwark

While submerged or standing on water, you instinctively use the currents to protect yourself, gaining a +2 bonus to AC.  

4. Wave Rider

While moving on or over water, you can Dash and Disengage as a bonus action. This can only be used while standing on water.  

5. Eyes of the Abyss

You are adapted to the ocean depths. Your darkvision extends to 120 feet, and you can see colors in complete darkness.  

6. Oceanborn

You can channel the energy of the ocean. You gain access to the following spells and can cast them for free once per long rest:
  • Control Water
  • Water Bullet (Kibble’s Casting Compendium)
  • Water Blast (Kibble’s Casting Compendium)

7. Ocean Caller

You can harness the power of the sea. You gain access to the following spells and can cast them for free once per long rest:
  • Control Water
  • Fog Cloud
  • Create or Destroy Water

8. Swift Swimmer

Your swimming speed increases by 10 feet.  

9. Saltwater Skin

You are accustomed to the corrosive nature of saltwater. You gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.  

10. Fish Friend

You can speak to sea creatures. You can communicate with any aquatic animal as if you shared a language.  

11. Tidal Surge

Twice per short rest, you can use your bonus action to summon a powerful wave, allowing you to push a creature within 15 feet back by 10 feet and knock them prone.  

12. Cold Scales

Your body is adapted to cold seas. You gain resistance to cold damage. Additionally, you can cast Ice Weapon from Kibble's Casting Compendium, allowing you to create ice weapons at will.  

13. Abyssal Scales

You gain resistance to acid damage. You can use a bonus action to spit acid at a creature within 60 feet. This is a ranged attack that deals 1d6 + your attack modifier in acid damage. You can use this ability twice per short rest.  

14. Electric Scales

You gain resistance to lightning damage. While standing on water or underwater, if you are hit by a melee attack, you deal lightning damage to the attacker equal to your proficiency bonus.  

15. Oceanic Weaponry

Once per day, you can summon a weapon made of condensed water. This weapon can be used as a magic weapon and deals an additional 1d6 slashing, cold (Cold Scales), acid (Abyssal Scales) or lightning damage (Electric Scales). The weapon lasts for 1 minute.