
Half-Kitsunes are hybrids with a mix of human and fox traits, like ears and tails, but mostly human features. They often face prejudice from pure-blood Kitsunes, especially the aristocratic Mitsuyus. Despite this, their resilience and adaptability help them find a place in more inclusive communities.   DnD beyond Link: https://www.dndbeyond.com/species/1757734-half-kitsune  

Background and Origin:

Half-Kitsunes are the offspring of a Kitsune and a member of another species, blending traits from both parents. This hybrid nature gives them a unique appearance that is distinctly different from both pure-blood Kitsunes and their non-Kitsune parent. Their existence is relatively rare, given the cultural and societal pressures within Kitsune communities, especially among the Mitsuyus.  

Physical Appearance:

Half-Kitsunes have a distinctive hybrid form that combines human and fox characteristics. They possess fox ears, a tail, and sometimes other minor fox features such as sharp eyes or whiskers, while maintaining human skin and facial features. This unique blend makes them easily recognizable and distinct from both their parent species.  

Social Status:

In general society, Half-Kitsunes may be seen with curiosity or indifference, but within Kitsune communities, especially among the aristocratic Mitsuyus, they often face prejudice. Pure-blood Kitsunes, and particularly the Mitsuyus, may view Half-Kitsunes as inferior or a dilution of their divine heritage. The idea of a Mitsuyu having children with a different species is seen as absurd and unacceptable in their society. This can lead to Half-Kitsunes being treated as outcasts or looked down upon by some members of the Kitsune community.  

Other Information:

Despite the prejudices they may face, Half-Kitsunes often develop a resilient and adaptable nature. They navigate their unique identity by leveraging their dual heritage, which can provide them with diverse skills and perspectives. While they may struggle with acceptance in certain Kitsune circles, they can find belonging and purpose in more inclusive and diverse environments.  

Half-Kitsune Traits

Definitive Traits (These are granted)

Hybrid Form

Description: Half-Kitsunes have a unique appearance that blends human and fox traits. They possess fox ears, a tail, and sometimes other minor fox features, while retaining human skin and facial features. This is their natural and only form.    

Versatile Ability Score Increase

Description: Increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and another ability score by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.    

Determination (human trait)

Description: When you fail an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can roll a d6 and add it to the result. You can use this ability twice per long rest.    

Optional Traits (Choose 2)

Kitsunes can choose 2 traits from the following list to reflect their Kitsune heritage. This allows them to customize their abilities based on their unique background.

1) Fox Form Transformation

Description: Allows the Kitsune to transform into a small fox. This form is perfect for stealth and evasion.  

2) Naturally Magical

Description: Grants the ability to choose two cantrips from the sorcerer spell list.    

3) Master of Illusions

Description: Gain the Minor Illusion cantrip at will and the Silent Image spell once per day.    

4) See Ethereal World

Description: Ability to see invisible creatures as well as hidden spirits in the Ethereal Plane, revealing their presence to the Kitsune. Once per day, for 1 minute by spending 1 AP (action points)    

5) Fox Speak

Description: Ability to communicate with foxes at will.    

6) Sharp Claws

Description: Gain a natural weapon (unarmed strike) that deals 1d6 + Dexterity modifier damage.    

7) Hard Tail

Description: Use your tail to attempt to knock an opponent prone as a bonus action, usable twice per short rest.    

8) Swift Fox

Description: You are fast, gain 5ft of movement speed.    

9) Natural Charm

Description: Gain proficiency in Persuasion checks. If already proficient, you gain expertise (double proficiency bonus).    

10) Natural Deception

Description: Gain proficiency in Deception checks. If already proficient, you gain expertise (double proficiency bonus).    

11) Natural Empathy

Description: Gain proficiency in Insight checks. If already proficient, you gain expertise (double proficiency bonus).    

12) Lightfoot Fox

Description: Gain proficiency in Stealth checks. If already proficient, you gain expertise (double proficiency bonus).    

13) Playful Nature

Description: Gain proficiency in Acrobatics. If already proficient, gain expertise.    

14) Keen Hearing and Smell

Description: Gain advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or smell.    

15) Fox Sprint

Description: Twice per short rest, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action, and when you do, your movement speed increases by an additional 10 feet until the end of your turn.    

16) Mitsuyubi's Blessing

Description: You can cast the spell Shield once per day without using a spell slot.    

17) Spirit Guide

Description: Grants the ability to summon a small fox spirit to assist once per day. To control the spirit, you must stand still and close your eyes. You then control the spirit as if you were it, and can move freely. The spirit has no attacks and has 3 HP    

18) Foxfire Manipulation

Description: Twice per day, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can deal an extra 1d6 fire damage    

19) Mystic Veil

Description: Once per short rest, you can cast Invisibility on yourself without using a spell slot. The effect lasts for up to 1 minute or until you attack or cast a spell.    

20) Winter Fur Fox

Description: Gain cold damage reduction equal to your level, reducing any cold damage taken by that amount. Cannot select this trait if you already have other “fur fox” trait    

21) Desert Fur Fox

Description: Gain fire damage reduction equal to your level, reducing any fire damage taken by that amount. Cannot select this trait if you already have other “fur fox” trait    

22) Dark Fur Fox

Description: Gain necrotic damage reduction equal to your level, reducing any necrotic damage taken by that amount. Cannot select this trait if you already have other “fur fox” trait    

23) Ethereal Fur Fox

Description: Gain radiant damage reduction equal to your level, reducing any radiant damage taken by that amount. Cannot select this trait if you already have other “fur fox” trait