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Gods and Amulets

Amulets of the gods
  • Vortex Amulet, bears the symbol of Umberlee (the Bitch Queen) goddess of destruction and the sea (CE)
  • Amulet of Command, bears the symbol of Bane (the Black Hand) god of tyranny and oppression, one of the Dead Three (LE)
  • Fetid Carrion Amulet, bears the symbol of Myrkul (the Lord of Bones) god of death and decay, one of the Dead Three (NE)
  • Vigilance Blessed Amulets, bears the symbol of Helm (the Vigilant One) god of guardians and protectors, one of the Triumvirate of Radiance (LN)
  • Noon Blessed Amulets, bears the symbol of Lathander (the Morninglord) god of birth and renewal, one of the Triumvirate of Radiance (NG). Amulets currently in possession of Terroth Snowscale, Radiant Knight and member of the Champions of Greyhaven.
    Seams of precious metals and gems   Whilst investigating many of the recent strange events you have discovered several near identical rich veins in the rocks, these appear as braids of twisting gold, silver, and platinum, encrusted with diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Each apparently near one location of a god amulet...
  • In the lava chamber lair of the Servant of Bane.
  • On the seabed by the original resting place of the wreckage of the Blue Scourge, use by the Plague Lord in his scheme for Myrkul.
  • In the rocky cave used as a lair by the Pirate Lord of Doom, who was in possession of the Vigilance Blessed Amulets.
  • In the Mines of Greyhaven. The location of the release of an undead Shadow that led to the tradegy of the Day of Night. The seam started in the west and curved round towards the High Hill in the north, where the Noon Blessed Amulet was found.
  • A potential seam near Crimmor, the City of Caravans, in Amn.
Tests reveal that untampered parts of the seams cause the amulets to vibrate along the direction they run.   The Chained God
  • First mentioned as the last breath of the Mother Nothic, she whispered, “The Chained God grows stronger.” You noticed that it's eye was covered with a chaotic oily sheen.
  • Brother Sebastian, a Cleric of Kelemvor, told you the Chained God is restrained in the Abyss.
  • Mabel, the shop assistant in the Emporium of Peculiar Wares, momentarily became transfixed with chaotic oily eyes and whispered to you, “You've seen it haven't you? the horrors that are coming.”
  • You asked Madam Russet-Pennon of the Chained God and whilst shocked to hear his name, told you what she knows...
  1. The Chained God is an alias of Tharizdun.
  2. Before the Great Wheel was fully formed, and the multiverse was young, Tharizdun didn’t want to share the realms with others. Searching for the power to defeat all other gods, he found a way to look to the Far Realm and it drove him mad.
  3. After the Dawn War had raged for an immeasurable amount of time. Tharizdun returned and led the Primordials against the gods.
  4. Eventually, Tharizdun and the Primordials were defeated and Tharizdun was trapped in the VoidHallow, the first layer of the Abyss. Note though, by first layer, this is not the top layer, as you would normally count down through layers when referring to layers of the Abyss or Hells. This is the first layer created, the bottom layer, of the infinite Abyss.
  • Malenia performed the Legend Lore ritual and you learnt...
  1. Ao (the Overgod, the One Who is Hidden) created the multiverse from the raw materials of the chaos, and within the early formation of the Great Wheel several worlds drifted upon the Sea of Night. The worlds contained no life, but they were coveted by powerful beings who arose from the Elemental Chaos. These are known as the Primordials, or Dawn Titans.
  2. The beautiful goddesses of light and dark, Selûne and Shar, were formed from the ocean of silvery liquid left over from the realm's creation. This ocean expanded to form the Astral Sea.
  3. The Dawn Titans wished to sunder the new worlds, to return them to Elemental Chaos. The Twin gods defended the new worlds from the Primordials, as they saw potential in the nascent life forming on the worlds. Thus began the Dawn War.
  4. Other gods were created from the residue of the conflict to help the native gods of Realmspace.
  5. These armies of light and dark united against the chaos of the Primordials. They were on the verge of victory, when the Primordials rallied behind a new leader, Tharizdun.
  6. Returning from the Far Realm he brought with him a Shard of Evil and planted it in the Astral Sea to form the Abyss.
  7. He also brought with him more gods of chaos from the Far Realm, although their names were not recorded.
  • Whilst exploring the Underdark, the Protectors witnessed wisps of vapours with a chaotic swirling oily pattern. 
  • They attempted to investigate them, trying to grasp them, casting spells to see if they altered the Faerzress, and brandishing the Vortex Amulet. But saw no interaction. 
  • Maxaris recalled seeing strands of energy like this when Tex used to visit him during his childhood.
  • All the while Malenia was trying to get the group's attention, and was getting more and more distressed that you couldn’t hear her, even when she was shouting. Even though she believed she was speaking, none of you could see her mouth moving or hear her voice.


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