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Sahuagin Conflict

Notes from Hammerhead Colony
  • Hammerheads are the vanguard of the Sahuagin army
  • They have been tasked by the Blessed Priestess of the Starfish clan to gather the Trident of Umberlee.
  • The Baroness of the Moray clan has requested a squad of strong soldiers to help guard the extended breeding grounds.
  Comment from the Blessed Priestess at Starfish Tower
  • She instructed Moray to enhance the breeding grounds
  Runes at the Island Temple
  • Survivor
  • Wields
  • Trident
  • Emerge (or merge, he's a little unsure)
  • Sacred-stone
  • Empowering
  • Force
  • Command
  Notes from Manta Colony
  • The Manta Lord conquered the other clans and united them.
  • The Blessed Priestess of Sekolah had a vision from Umberlee, to make the Sahuagin Army an unstoppable force.
  • They need the Survivor, the Trident and the Sacred Stone to complete the ritual.
  • They still don’t know where the land walking raiders have taken the Trident.
  • The survivors' arrival is imminent.
  • The Blessed Priestess instructed the Manta Lord to take the Blessed Gemstone, the "Jaw of Sekolah", to the Moray colony.
  Discoveries as Moray Colony
  • The heroes witnessed the Sahuagin Hatchlings devouring each other after they entered a blood frenzy.
  • They found the "Jaw of Sekolah".
  • In the Umberlee chamber, they found the devoured remains of a hatchling shoal. The corpses were noticeably larger than the other hatchlings.
  Realisations in the Guildhall
  • The Survivor is the victor from the fight to the death of the hatchlings in the breeding ground's Umberlee chamber.
  • The Sahuagin ransacked the Guildhall and now have the Trident of Umberlee.
  • The Jaw of Sekolah was a decoy, it's not the actual Sacred Stone.
  Umberlee Rises
  • The Survivor used the Trident of Umberlee to performed a ritual at the temple of Umberlee. The Blessed Priestess and several priestesses assisted. This caused a stone outcrop to rise from the sea. On the summit was a stone altar surrounded by 6 columns.
  • The Survivor prayed at the altar, surrounded by a violent tornado, which caused the columns to light up 1 by 1.
  • As the columns lit, the sky and sea overlapped with the chaotic sea of Umberlee's plane of dominion.
  • Once the final column was lit, the Chaotic sea goddess briefly passed through the material plan, causing a massive tsunami to erupt from the ocean and head towards the Sword Coast.
  After the battle
  • The ports of Gull Bay and Velen (and probably many more) were devastated by the tsunami.
  • The aforementioned ports are now occupied by the Sahuagin invasion force.
  Planning at Candlekeep
  • Zack and other crew on the Greyhaven ships have noticed that the sea level is rising. In a couple of weeks the Sword Coast will be completely covered.
  • The Eldon Corwford's Greyhaven Rangers provide details of the Sahuagin forces at the country's ports...
  1. Gull Bay - Moray clan - Huge Crabs / Champions, Deep Divers.
  2. Crabpool - Manta clan - Blademasters, Coral Smashers.
  3. Sowport - Hammerhead clan - Champions, Archers.
  • Alkrist (a dragonborn Great Reader with expertise in military strategy) via his trade contacts informs the group that Athkatla and Murann (both massive historic cities) have been devastated by the tsunami but not attacked by the Sahuagin. As a strategy this suggests the Sea Devils wanted a few bases on the coast. Then once the water levels have risen they can continue their invasion.
  • The Alkrist and the heroes reason that since the Manta Lord is dead, and it was him that unified the Sea Devil clans, they could be tricked into fighting amongst themselves again.
  • The group's research finds that for the portal to remain opened there are 3 factors involved...
  1. A triggering event that opened it in the first place (the ritual).
  2. The innate power of the god (Umberlee).
  3. A link to this plane.
  • They conclude they have 3 options for closing the portal...
  1. Perform an altered version of the same ritual. Which is impossible, as Parker and Morrigan shattered the Altar.
  2. Kill the god. Not the easiest of options.
  3. Break the link to this plane. This means killing the person who summoned the god (the Survivor). This will only take effect if done with an item imbued with the power of that god (i.e. the Trident).
  Closing the portal
  • Malenia locates the Survivor's amulet and the group track down the Sahuagin battle submarine (Sekolah's Frenzy).
  • The heroes board the vessel and dispatch the Blessed Priestess, the Survivor and the Sea Devil crew. Plus they abort the self-desctruct sequence and claim the submarine and the Vortex Amulet for their own.
  • Returning to Candlekeep, they pass the Temple Island and confirm that the portal is no longer transfering huge volumes of water from Umberlee's abyssal domain.
  Dealing with the remaining Sea Devils
  • The party teleport to Gull Bay, taking some preserved Starfish clan corpses with them, then disguised as Starfish Sea Devils they attack the Moray clan.
  • They then head to Crabpool, this time disguising themselves as Hammerhead.
  • When they arrive, Starfish and Moray cland have already shown up and are arguing with Manta about recent events, so the party attack and all the clans turn on each other.
  • Once back at the Onyx Citadel, the scouts report that the ports are now deserted and the Sea Devils have returned to their colonies in the Tonitru Isles.
  Liberation of Gull Bay
  • The plan to deceive the Sahuagin clans worked. However, a new faction loyal to Umberlee had formed from the fractured clans. This new Clan was now occupying Gull Bay, and Gerald sent a magical message to Dr Egnarts to inform him.
  • The Heroes and the Greyhaven fleet returned from Candlekeep and beseiged the port.
  • The new Blessed Priestess vowed to repeat the ritual of Umberlee.
  • However the combined might of the Heroes, the Greyhaven fleet and reinforcements of the Onyx Guard defeated the Sahuagin.


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