Abandoning a School

With the DM's permission, it is possible for a wizard to abandon a specialty, but the restrictions and penalties for doing so are severe.


Mages cannot abandon their careers to become specialists. Once a wizard decides to become a mage, he must remain so for the duration of his career.


Any specialist can abandon his school, but only to become a mage. A specialist cannot become a specialist from a different school. A specialist's decision to abandon his school to become a mage is permanent -- under no circumstances can he again become a specialist of his original school. A specialist keeps all of the spell bonuses that he had prior to his conversion, but receives no more bonus spells after he abandons his school to become a mage. He loses all saving throw bonuses at the time of his conversion (for instance, he no longer receives a +1 bonus when making saving throws against spells of his former specialty that are cast by other wizards).

Once he abandons his school, a former specialist's chances of learning new spells are affected as follows:

  • When attempting to learn a spell of his former specialty, he no longer receives a bonus (e.g., an illusionist who abandons his school no longer receives a +15 percent bonus when attempting to learn illusion spells).
  • When attempting to learn spells from other schools, he still suffers a penalty (e.g., an illusionist who abandons his school still has a -15 percent penalty when attempting to learn spells from the schools of alteration, greater divination, enchantment/charm, and conjuration/summoning).[.li]
  • When attempting to learn spells from schools in opposition to his former specialty, his chance is computed according to the following formula:

  • Percent chance = 1/2 (base chance to learn a spell -15 percent)

For instance, a former necromancer with an Intelligence of 13 wants to learn an illusion spell. Since necromancy is one of the schools that was in opposition to his former school, his chance to learn the spell is 1/2 (55-15), which equals 20 percent.

[Complete Wizard's Handbook]


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