Ability Alteration

By means of this spell, the priest may enhance one or more of his physical abilities by temporarily suppressing another physical ability. The priest may "spend" ability points from one physical ability in order to gain ability points in another.

The ratio is 2 points expended to 1 gained. No ability score can be reduced below 8 by this spell, nor can racial maximums or minimums be exceeded. Exceptional strength is possible, but costs 2 points per 10% gain. Example: a priest with Strength 17 and Dexterity 16 could "spend" up to 8 points of Dexterity to increment Strength to 18/30 (17 to 18 to 18/10 to 18/20 to 18/30).

[From the Ashes]

Wee Jas

Sphere: Combat, Necromancy
Level: 3
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/lvl
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None


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