Arouse Discord

By means of this spell, the priest sparks disagreements and inflames tensions and resentments among all creatures within the area of effect that fail a saving throw vs. spell. All affected creatures immediately fall to loud bickering and arguing. Friends argue with friends, irksome things become hatreds, and petty jealousy grows to seething rage. There is a 50% chance that affected creatures of different alignments attack each other, The bickering lasts for 5d4 rounds, the fighting for 2d4 rounds. Even a being that makes its saving throw may indirectly fall victim to this spell's effects if they are sufficiently provoked by the actions of an affected creature or if their actions serve to provoke an affected creature.

[Bastion of Faith]


Sphere: Charm
Level: 6
Range: 100 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 100 square feet/level
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol


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