Belaying Pin

The belaying pin is a short rod of wood or metal. It's inserted in a hole bored through the ship's rail, and ship's ropes are made fast (tied) to it. It can also be yanked free and brought in violent contact with enemies; in a pirate fight, anyone who loses a weapon or starts out without one ends up with a belaying pin in his hand.

Weapon proficiency with Belaying Pin is related to clubs and maces; if you have proficiency with club or mace, you take only a –1 when using a belaying pin you don't have proficiency for. Weapon specialization with belaying pin gives the usual benefits.

Belaying pins are very available on any ship; you can get any number of them at a seaside town or city, especially at a shipbuilder's, a warehouse, or a business that supplies ships.

The pin is a one-handed weapon. If hurled in combat, it is treated as a club.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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