Bo Stick

The bo stick is an ordinary hardwood staff, the height of a man or slightly taller. Bo stick shares a proficiency with Quarterstaff. If you can use one, you can use the other. (This doesn't mean that the two styles are identical; an oriental bo stick fighter looks very different in combat than a western quarterstaff combatant. But if they traded weapons, they'd be just as good with the other guy's weapon . . . each in his own style.) Weapon specialization in bo stick gives you the usual advantages.

Bo sticks are common everywhere; any 6' or 7' hardwood walking staff is a bo staff. To use it as such, however, you have to have the bo stick/quarterstaff weapon proficiency. The primary difference between the weapons, and the reason the quarterstaff does more damage against Large monsters, is that the combat quarterstaff has iron-shod, even lead-weighted ends. (A quarterstaff which does not have these features should do damage identical to the bo stick.)

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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