
The bolas are three balls attached to ropes or cords about a yard in length; the other ends of the cords are tied together in a knot. The wielder of the bolas whirls them by the knot and throws them at a target; if they hit, they wrap around the target, with the balls smashing painfully into the target as they connect. Once they have wrapped themselves around a target, it takes the victim one full round and a successful ability check vs. Strength to get them free. (If the character fails his Strength check, he does not get the bolas free this round.)

This weapon does only a little damage, but it is especially useful if you are using the OPTIONAL: Hit Locations rules section.

If the attacker makes a Called Shot to the target's Legs (he doesn't have to specify which; if the attack hits, it hits both), and successfully attacks, the bolas wrap themselves tightly around his legs. He can no longer run or walk until he gets them free. He must make a Dexterity check just to avoid falling down. In fact, if he was moving when the attack was made, he suffers a –3 penalty to his Dexterity check to avoid falling down.

If the attacker makes a Called Shot to the target's Arms (again, he doesn't have to specify; both will be hit) and successfully attacks, the bolas wrap themselves tightly around his arms and torso. He cannot wield his weapon and does not get the AC bonus of his shield until he gets himself free. His roll to free himself is at a –2 penalty to his Strength ability score because he has no leverage.

If the attacker makes a Called Shot to the target's Head, the bolas wrap themselves around the target's neck and begin strangling him. (This does not work if the character was wearing a Close-Faced Helm or a Great Helm.) The bolas do the listed damage on the round they hit. Thereafter, on each successive round where they begin the round still on the victim's throat, they do 1d3 hp of damage from strangulation. The damage stops when they are removed or when the target is dead.

Weapon proficiency with the Bolas is not related to any other weapon proficiency. Specialization grants the usual benefits. In case of a Called Shot to the target's head, the damage bonus only applies to the initial hit; it is not added to the subsequent rounds of strangulation.

Any leatherworker or weaponsmith can make a set of bolas . . . but he must have exact measurements for the cords and exact weights for the balls to do it right. Simply hearing such a weapon described, the craftsman can make something like it . . . but unless he makes his craftsman ability check by 3 or better, the weapon he makes will be proportioned wrong and will be at a –4 to attack rolls.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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