
This curved throwing stick can hit targets at long distances. There are two types of boomerangs, both less than 2 feet long, weighing under half a pound, and typically made of wood.

The nonreturning boomerang is curved at an angle of less than 90 degrees and can strike targets as much as 100 yards away If it misses its target, the nonreturning boomerang continues in the same direction until it drops to the ground.

The returning boomerang is curved at an angle of 90 degrees or more and can be thrown at distances up to 60 yards. If the boomerang misses its target, it arcs in the air and may return to the thrower. If the thrower makes a successful Dexterity check, the boomerang returns within a few feet of the thrower, allowing him to catch it. If the Dexterity check fails, the boomerang misses the thrower by a number of yards equal to the difference between the die-roll and the Dexterity score, multiplied by 10. A 1d8 roll indicates where the boomerang lands in relation to the thrower (1=north, 2=northeast, 3=east, 4=southeast, and so on). For example, if the thrower's Dexterity is 12, the Dexterity check is 16, and the 1d8 roll is 5, then the boomerang lands 40 yards southwest of the thrower.

[Complete Barbarian's Handbook]


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