Camouflage Clothing

There may be exceptional variants on this—for example, if a thief knows that he needs to hide in shadows amongst the crimson curtains of a lady's boudoir he might use a crimson set of clothing. Apart from such singular special cases, there are two general types of camouflage clothing the thief will find useful in various situations.

Darksuit: This comprises black or very deep blue clothes, usually fairly voluminous robes or what might be termed a "utility suit." Such clothing will usually be lightweight so it can be carried about easily, and worn under normal clothing if needs be. It will always include significant facial covering. If such a suit is worn, it will add +5% to a hide in shadows chance in any area which is shadowy, has a light level equal to dusk or early dawn, or equivalent.

Woodland Suit: This has a similar basic design to a darksuit but is made of light clothing dyed in irregular patterns of greens and browns. It adds +5% to the hide in shadows chance when the thief attempts to conceal himself in any suitable outdoors setting such as woodland, a field, or the garden of a town house.


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