
This weapon is a 6' or 10' length of chain with weights at both ends. In combat, it's whirled very fast, the weighted end inflicting the damage on the target.

The chain combines some of the useful traits of melee weapons and the lasso. You can attack with it for normal Called Shots, Disarm, Parrying, and Strike/Thrust maneuvers. Additionally, you can perform three of the Lasso's five special functions: Pull/Trip by striking at a target's legs, Dismount a Rider, and Snag a Rider's Head.The chain is easy to conceal, and (at least in western lands) is not usually recognized as a weapon until wielded as one.

The chain requires its own weapons proficiency, which is not related to any other weapon. Weapon Specialization confers the usual bonuses. Chains are to be found in any civilization with the technological skill to make them (this includes most AD&D® campaign settings), but the technique of fighting with them is mostly an eastern-culture development. A character would have to study with a practitioner of the technique, and be able to spend a weapon proficiency slot, in order to learn how to use the weapon.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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