
A Champion is a member of a religion who has been selected to undergo intensive train- ing as a warrior. He is expected to defend his creed at all times, and may be called upon to do so in single combat against an evil monster or members of an enemy religion.   A Champion must have Strength and Wisdom scores of at least 15. He must also have a Charisma of at least 14.


A Champion cannot belong to a religion that has restrictions against violent behavior.


The Champion defends his religion with his life and superior combat ability and maintains a clear head to promote it. As a defender of his creed, he must always act in its best interest, even when doing so causes him distress or physical harm.

Weapon Proficiencies

He may have any weapon proficiency. Unlike other warrior/priests, he may specialize in one weapon. This weapon must be chosen when the kit is taken and cannot be changed. He uses magical weapons only of this one type.

Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies

Endurance, Intimidation, Religion.

Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies

Alertness, Ancient History, Blind-fighting, Dwarf Runes, Hunting, Local Dwarf History, Musical Instrument, Singing.


A Champion is allowed one weapon specialization (this is an exception to the restriction against multi-class characters). This weapon is specially blessed and acts in all respects as a +1 magical weapon; it can even harm monsters which can only be hit by magical weapons. The weapon may be +2 or higher and/or have added bonuses when used to attack certain types of monsters, such as undead. The blessed weapon belongs to his church and he is charged with its care. It may never be lent and, if lost, his paramount duty becomes its recovery.   A Champion who finds a superior weapon and decides to keep it must return his blessed weapon to the main temple of his religion as soon as he is able.

Distinctive Appearance

Champions are marked by their role and have an air of superiority. They usually dress in fine clothes, unless specifically forbidden to do so by their religion.

Special Benefits

See Equipment and Weapon Proficiencies.

Special Hindrances

He may never a refuse a fight related to his religion. He must defend it at all times. He may be requested to perform tasks set by his superiors. If he refuses to accept a challenge or a quest, he loses his weapon specialization and his religion will send another Champion to reclaim his blessed weapon.

Wealth Options

A Champion starts with 6d4x10 gp.
[Complete Book of Dwarves]


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