By casting this spell, the priest summons a
flock of huge ravens (or giant ravens as the priest
desires), if such birds are within range. The
number appearing is 20 + 3d20 huge ravens or
10+2d6 giant ravens.
Summoned ravens flock to the summoning priest, who then
instructs them as if using a Speak With Animals spell. The ravens faithfully carry out the instructions of the priest, so far as their intelligence
allows. They can follow simple instructions, such
as: “Follow those fleeing figures and attack them;’
or instructions to trail a target and report back to
the priest, but not complex or abstract ones. The
DM determine the actions of ravens according to
their Intelligence. Giant ravens (Intelligence 5-7)
are capable of cunning maneuvers, such as following a party of adventurers while staying a safe distance away from ranged attacks, and peeling off at
a rate of one per hour or so to report back to the
summoning priest.
The flock of ravens summoned by the clawcloud spell returns to a wild, self-determined state
on the first dawn following their summoning.
[Iuz the Evil]
Sphere: Summoning(ConjurationlSummoning)
Level: 4
Range: 1 mi. / level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4 hrs. / level
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4 hrs. / level
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None