Creating New Ranger Kits

Players aren't restricted to the ranger kits described here. If a player is interested in a certain type of character not discussed here, he can design a new kit from scratch, using the above examples as guidelines.

Before going to all the trouble of designing a new kit from the ground up, study the existing kits to see if any of them can be modified to fit the archetype you have in mind. If not, copy the Ranger Kit Record Sheet in the back of this book. Begin by filling out the description of the new kit, then write down the information needed in each section. Refer to the Kit Subsections descriptions at the beginning of this chapter if necessary.

When you've finished filling out the Record Sheet, let your DM look it over. He may make some adjustments to ensure that characters taking the new kit aren't too powerful or that the kit is sufficiently different from existing kits. The DM reserves the right to make additional adjustments after he sees how it works in the context of a campaign.

Stuck for ideas? Here are some ideas that might be developed into new kits:

Crypt Ranger. Cemeteries, battlefields, or other locales associated with death are his primary terrain. His followers are non-evil undead.

Dragon Killer. Similar to the Giant Killer, he has special abilities that increase his effectiveness when fighting dragons.

Extra-Planar Ranger. His primary terrain is another plane of existence. His followers include extra-planar creatures.

Militant Ecologist. He's a conservation expert who retaliates violently against despoilers, polluters, and poachers.

Lycanthropic Ranger. He can change into an animal and counts werecreatures among his followers. Werebears and weretigers are suggested.

Ranger-Knight. He's a private landowner primarily interested in protecting and expanding his own holdings.

Survivalist. He can thrive in any terrain, under any conditions. He can improvise deadly weapons from the simplest materials.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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