
The cutlass is a short, heavy sword, sharp along only one edge, with a heavy basket hilt (a protective cup) around the hilt to protect the hand.

The cutlass' basket hilt provides the following benefits: it gives the wielder a +1 to attack rolls with the Parry maneuver; and it works just the same as an iron gauntlet if the wielder wishes to punch someone with the hilt rather than slash with the blade. (See the Player's Handbook, pages 97-98. Bare-hand attacks do 1d2 damage, plus strength bonus, and the other effects of punching from the chart on page 97; metal gauntlets and other metal hand-protection makes that 1d3 plus strength bonus and punching effects. Note: An enchanted cutlass, say a cutlass +1, does not confer the +1 to attack rolls and damage with these basket-hilt punches . . . only with blade attacks.)

Proficiency with Cutlass is related to proficiency with short sword, dagger/dirk, knife/stiletto, and main-gauche. Weapon Specialization with Cutlass is normal, except that you also get the +1 to attack rolls and +2 damage with those basket-hilt punches.

In a campaign with pirates, cutlasses are common and readily available in any port community; they are much less common inland.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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