The daikyu is the great samurai longbow. It's 7' long (hence its size designation of L). Its
hand-grip is not in the center of the weapon; it's located closer to the bottom, so the daikyu can
be fired from horseback and from kneeling positions.
As with other bows, the daikyu can be used to perform the Called Shot, Disarm, Hold Attack,
and Strike/Thrust (i.e., shoot) maneuvers.
The daikyu and katana are the two principal weapons of the samurai.
The daikyu requires its own weapons proficiency. It is related to, but not identical to, other
bow proficiencies. Weapon specialization confers the usual benefits.
The daikyu is not exported from eastern nations. However, it is a simple task, if you are in
such a nation, to commission the making of one. A western bowyer would have to have studied
in the east to make one.