
Delleb's Avatar

(Mage 20, Cleric 15) Delleb's avatar appears as a tall, thin Oeridian man with olive skin. He looks very old, and the lop of is head is balding, leaving only some short tufts of gray hair on the sides and back. He wears reading glasses, and a magnifying glass protrudes from his coat pocket. He usually carries a large book and is always accompanied by a large, black Labrador retriever named Shadow.   Delleb is most often dressed as a scholar, wearing black robes filled with many pockets. When in this form, he is usually slightly bent as if under a great weight (though his posture is simply bad from so much reading and writing), His head is never covered and seems to glow slightly, as do his eyes.   Delleb occasionally takes the form of a warrior. When he appears thus, he wears full plate mail though his head is still bare, and he carries a sabre. Over his back is slung a strange device of metal and wood longer than the god is tall. He sometimes appears mounted on an immense war horse.   AC —10; MV 12 (36 mounted hp 175; THACO 8; #AT 2; Dmg 1d8 (sabre) or 1d10+special (flintlock rifle MR 55%; M (6' tall Str16 Dex 20 Con 18, Int 25, Wis 23, Chr 19.   Spells P: 10/9/9/9/6/3/1 M: 5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2 Saves PPDM 5, RSW 5, PP 7, BW 9, Sp 6 Special Att/Def: Delleb's sabre +5 is a avenger called Delente-Vinnosos (roughly "That which strikes down ignorance" in Old Oeridian). His weapon of preference, however, is a 7'-long musket of his own invention. This device appears to be a typical flintlock rifle (or arquebus—though no one on Oerlh has ever seen one work) of unusual length. The barrel is balanced by several strands of tight wire mounted on struts projecting from the metal shaft. A large targeting circle on the end is likewise reinforced with wires, and the stock is made of bronzewood. Delleh alone can fire this weapon, and when he does, the explosion can be heard for miles, The weapon's ranges arc 1 mile/ 10 miles/ miles. If an even number is rolled for damage by this giant rifle, the die is rolled again and the result added to the first figure. This is done until an odd number is rolled. It is magically loaded and can be fired twice every round.   Delleb has the power to confuse his opponents, either by touch, striking with his sabre, or with a bullet from his musket. He can use this power up to twice per round, and the confusion lasts until Delleb wishes it to cease. Delleb also has a goose feather quill pen that he can use to the same effect.   Delleb is immune to any and all Illusion and Enchantment/Charm spells, easily seeing through such deception. He is also able to guess the next logical move any living being will make and always reacts with such foresight. Shadow is a large, black lab with a glean of intelligence in her eyes. She can speak several languages fluently, though she rarely does. She is fully ten times as strong as a typical war dog.  

Other Manifestations

Delleb believes his followers and clergy should find their own way and use their own intellects solve problems— hence he rarely appears. Some of his other manifestations, however, are the smell of old books, a shadow around the corner in a library or temple (though no one is there), or even a sudden insight to a previously puzzling problem. He sends Shadow as his manifestation sometimes, and the dog often appears as one of the canines of the church. but with an intellect far beyond that of normal dog.


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