

RaceKitMaximum Level
Mountain Man15
GnomeForest Runner11
Sea Ranger9

Demi-Ranger Spell Progression

Demi-ranger LevelCasting LevelPriest Spell Level 12

Demi-Ranger Dexterity Modifiers

RaceHide in ShadowsMove Silently

According to the Player's Handbook, only humans, elves, and half-elves can be rangers. But using the rules in this book, it's possible to include characters of other races with ranger-like abilities in a campaign. However, lacking the necessary qualities to become rangers in the true sense, these other races are subject to specific limitations. They are known as demi-rangers. Demi-rangers are restricted in the following ways:

Demi-rangers must take character kits. Only a few kits are available to each race, as indicated in Table 53. Further, they must meet all the initial ability score requirements for both the ranger class and the kit.

Demi-rangers use only the basic Tracking proficiency; they do not track as rangers, nor can they specialize in a primary terrain if that optional rule is being used.

Demi-rangers do not get the two-weapon attack ability of standard rangers.

Demi-rangers do add their racial modifier (if any) to their move silently and hide in shadow abilities.

Demi-rangers are limited as to the maximum level they may achieve. Table 53 lists the maximum level for each kit.

Demi-rangers attract 2d3 followers instead of the 2d6 normally allowed rangers. (Dwarf demi-rangers will rarely have elf or half-elf followers; gnomes will have an exceptionally high number of burrowing mammals.)

Demi-rangers are restricted as to their terrain types. These include:

Dwarf: Arctic, Hill, Mountain, Desert.

Gnome: Arctic, Forest, Hill, Underdark.

Halfling: Aquatic, Forest, Plains, Jungle (exception, Explorer).

Halfling demi-rangers are unable to learn the priest spells normally available to rangers. Dwarf and gnome demi-rangers may learn priest spells (from appropriate spheres) but not until they reach 10th level. As indicated in Table 53, they learn fewer spells than other rangers and cast them at lower levels.

New Kits for Demi-Rangers

Just as you're free to create new ranger kits, it's also possible to design kits specifically for demi-rangers. Follow the suggestions outlined in the Creating New Kits section above. The DM has the right to disallow any kit he feels is inappropriate for his campaign.

Some suggestions for demi-ranger kits:

Dwarven Spelunker. This is a subterranean ranger whose primary terrain encompasses caves and underground passages.

Gnomish Terraformer. He pursues techniques for physically reshaping the lay of the land.

Halfling Agronomist. He's a master of agriculture and animal husbandry.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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