
This is the grand art of high diplomacy between states or organizations. A character skilled in diplomacy knows the correct procedures and unwritten rules of negotiations between states or large organizations. He is capable of discerning the true intent of the various declarations, statements, and gifts or exchanges that make up a diplomatic encounter, and he is able to take his own wishes and couch them in proper diplomatic terms.

Normally, the character need only make proficiency checks if the negotiations are particularly delicate or difficult. However, if there is a specific goal or compromise the character is working towards, he may attempt a check to see if he can win the other side over to his point. Naturally, the DM can apply a modifier of -8 to +8 depending on what the diplomat's offer means for the parties involved. Requesting the surrender of a vastly superior enemy is next to impossible, unless the character can convince them that they stand to gain something of great value by giving up. In any event, the DM shouldn't use this ability as a substitute for good roleplaying by the players.

[Player's Option: Spells & Magic]


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