
This ship is the largest of the Byzantine galleys. Although it boasts one or two masts and triangular sails, the main power comes from the 100 oars, 50 to a side. These oars are divided into an upper and lower bank. with one man per oar on the lower bank and three men on the upper bank. Thus, the total crew is about 200 men. The dromon is about 130 to 175 feet long and 15 feet wide. making it a very slender ship. The cargo capacity is around 70 to 100 tons.   A dromon can be used both for shipping and war. As a warship, a ram projects from the front just above the water line. Castles are built fore, aft, and amidships as firing platforms. The cargo space is then taken up by marines. With such numbers of men, it is a very dangerous ship to attack. A dromon is not a seaworthy craft, however, and usually sails in sight of shore. They beach at night like all galleys, since supplies and sleeping accommodations are very limited.


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