
The Drusus is a Gladius (short sword) of Exceptional quality (as described in the Weaponsmithing non-weapon proficiency). It looks just like an ordinary gladius; only by testing the sharpness of the blade can someone tell the difference. The Drusus has been forged so that the metal is better-tempered and holds an edge better, and then sharpened until it has a razor-like edge.

Because of this, it does +1 damage and confers a non-magical +1 to attack rolls over the normal gladius. (This means the wielding character gets a +1 to attack rolls when using the weapon, but the weapon does not give him the ability to hit monsters which require magical weapons to affect.)

The Drusus also has a disadvantage. In order to keep its keen edge, it must be regularly sharpened with a lot more attention and time than an ordinary weapon requires. After any day in which the Drusus has been fought with (even one attack!), someone with the Blacksmithing, Armorer, or Weaponsmithing non-weapon proficiency, must sharpen the blade for half an hour . . . or, on the next day, it will act as an ordinary short sword (losing its to-hit and damage bonus) until it is so sharpened.

Exposure to high heat (a smith's forge, dragon's breath, lava, etc.) will ruin the temper on a Drusus, turning it into an ordinary short sword and forever destroying its bonus on attack and damage rolls.

The Drusus uses the same weapon proficiency as the short sword. If a character can use a short sword, he can use a Drusus with equal proficiency. Weapon specialization with one does transfer to the other.

In cultures where there are gladiators, any weaponsmith with a weaponsmithing ability check of 14 or better can make a Drusus for the cost shown. These weapons are seldom exported, as local demand is high for the few made. A foreign weaponsmith could not make one merely if it were described to him; he would have to study with a local weaponsmith. Having done so, he could make the weapon.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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