Dwarven Name Generator

Dwarven Name Generator

Prefixes (1d20)Male Suffixes (1d10)Female Suffixes (1d10)
1 B-1 -aim1 -a
2 Bal-2 -ain2 -ala
3 Bel-3 -ak3 -ana
4 Bof-4 -ar4 -ip
5 Bol-5 -i5 -ia
6 D-6 -im6 -ila
7 Dal-7 -in7 -ina
8 Dor-8 -o8 -on
9 Dw-9 -or9 -ola
10 Far-10 -ur10 -ona
11 Gil-
12 Gim-
13 Kil-
14 Mor-
15 Nal-
16 Nor-
17 Ov-
18 Th-
19 Thor-
20 Thr-

Each dwarf name consists of a prefix and a suffix. To create a name either select or roll for a prefix and a suffix. Gender is indicated by the suffix, so male character names are generated using the Male Suffix Table and female names on the Female Suffix Table. For example, a roll of 2 on the Prefix Table gives "Bal-," and a roll of 1 on the Male Suffix Table gives us "-aim," for the name Balaim.

If you cannot create a name you like, try adding a "b," "d," "f," "g," "k," "m," "t," "v," or "z" between the prefix and the suffix.

Use of this table is not required for player use, but can be used if the player is having difficulty generating a dwarven name.

[Complete Book of Dwarves]


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