
Earthmaw causes a patch of ground 10 feet in diameter to open and form a gigantic mouth with stalactite teeth. The mouth springs forth on a short serpentine neck, much like a water weird, and attacks once in a direction the caster dictates. Then it retracts into the earth and closes solidly. The site of an earthmaw spell appears as if the ground has been tilled recently.

The mouth can attack one large creature, two man-sized creatures, or four small-sized creatures within 10 feet of its outer edge. It can strike multiple creatures only if they remain clustered within a 10-foot diameter circle adjacent to the maw.

The earthmaw attacks as a monster with Hit Dice equal to the caster's level. Creatures standing on the site of the maw suffer a +3 penalty to Armor Class for purposes of this attack only. Creatures standing next to the maw suffer no AC penalty.

A successful hit inflicts 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster. An unmodified roll of 19 or 20 means the maw has swallowed the victim whole, burying the character 2d4 feet below ground. Victims can be dug out manually, with appropriate spells (such as dig), or with magical items (such as a spade of colossal excavation). A creature trapped underground will suffocate unless freed within a number of rounds equal to one-third its Constitution score.

Earthmaw may be cast on any area of loose or packed earth, sand, or vegetation-covered soil. It may be cast indoors on an earthen surface: for example, on the dirt floor of a barn or basement, but not on the marble floor of a home or temple. It may not be cast on an area containing a tree, any portion of a building, or any type of pavement.

An object present on the site of the maw (such as a campfire or a tent, etc.) counts as a creature of that object's size in attacks.

[Complete Druid's Handbook]


Sphere: Elemental (earth)
Level: 4
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10-foot diameter circle
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: a tooth from any predatory creature (consumed)


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