Ehlonna (eh-LOHN-nah)

of the Forests

Forests, Meadows, Animals, Flowers, Fertility

Lesser Goddess of the forests, Neutral Good
Aliases: Ehlenestra (among the fey races)
Domain Name: Grove of Unicorns/Wilderness of the Beastlands
Origin: Unknown
Superior: None
Allies: The Seldarine
Enemies: Obad-Hai
Symbol: Unicorn
Worshippers: Humans and Elves
Worshipper's Alignment: Any good, neutral
  Ehlonna is a very old goddess. She combats those who would harm or despoil the forest of its resources and beauty. Ehlonna can take either of two forms, a human or an elven female. In human form, Ehlonna will have either chestnut or black hair, while in elven form her tresses will be pale golden or coppery gold, in which form she is known to many as Ehlenestra. Her eyes are either startling blue or violet, and her complexion is most clear and fair. Her garments range from those of a huntsman or ranger to those of an elven princess. She is served by Novelee, a planetar whose heart is so pure it makes unicorns weep. She has a hostile rivalry with Obad-Hai, but is friendly with the elven gods and most good-aligned deities. Her symbol is the unicorn.   Ehlonna of the Forests is said to be the patroness of all good folk, elven, human, or otherwise, who dwell in woodlands and love such surroundings. She is likewise the deity of those who hunt, fish, and otherwise gain their livelihood from the forests. She is thus worshipped by rangers, foresters, trappers, hunters, woodcutters, etc. more females than males serve Ehlonna.   Brownies, elves, gnomes, and halflings are especially attuned to this deity. If Ehlonna requests service, it is very likely that such races will aid her in any manner she asks. She often travels among these folk. Her clerics are excellent trackers, and able to befriend animals.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics, Druids, Specialty Priests
Turn Undead: Yes, as cleric 3 levels lower
Command Undead: No
Being a deity of nature, most of the priests of Ehlonna are druids, but there are a large number of priests who reject the path of strict neutrality and choose to not be druids. Regardless, all work to protect nature, particularly forests, and all who live and prosper within. The clergy of Ehlonna are overwhelmingly female.   To this end, Ehlonna's clergy tends to be more militant when it comes to this protection. They will hunt down poachers and impose their own sense of justice, usually ending with the death of the poacher. If they think a group of people are over-harvesting trees, they will do what they can to sabotage and hinder the deforestation efforts.   Because of this militant attitude, this clergy has been denied leadership positions within the The Old Faith, and are often left out of the druidic councils. This is often cited as teh basis for the enmity with the sewct of Obad-Hai.   Her favored weapons are the longbow and the longsword. Clerics of Ehlonna wear pale green robes.   Each cleric of Ehlonna chooses a species of plant as her special ward. The cleric need not fanatically protect individual plants from all harm, but she must see to it that her species flourishes and that commonfolk respect it for any beneficial properties it might have. Clerics of Ehlonna often carry the seeds of their chosen plant with them on journeysl, planting them where appropriate to insure the species’ survival.


The woodlands are a beautiful place full of life. The secrets of the forests should be learned and taught so that people can live in harmony with nature. Those who would harm or exploit the woodlands must be driven out or destroyed. The plants and animals of the forest are things that nature gives as gifts, not things to be stolen.

Major Centers of Worship

The worship of Ehlonna is centered in the area from the Wild Coast to the Ulek fiefs (the Celene area), from the Kron Hills to the sea. Her clerics wear pale green robes. Temples of Ehlonna are usually camouflaged lodges in sylvan settings, although small shrines are occasionally located in villages.   Ehlonna's services involve vessels of horn and wood, the playing of pipes and flutes, and various herbs. Typical prayers to Ehlonna feature at least two references to positive aspects of the forest. Her ceremonies take place in the forest where possible and involve the various aspects of fertility. Children take part in the more innocent ones.

Ehlonna’s Specialty Priests (Foresters)

Abilities: Wisdom 13 or Dexterity 13 or Charisma 13
Alignment: Any Good or Neutral
Weapons: dagger, knife, long bow (and arrows), longsword, spear, quarterstaff, staff-sling, sling; long bow and longsword at 1st level
Armor: leather, padded leather, or elven chain
Raiment: pale green robes
Major Spheres: Animal, Charm, Healing, Plant, , Sun, Weather
Minor Spheres: Combat, Creation, Elemental (air, earth, water), Guardian, Necromantic, Protection
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Tracking

Granted Powers

5) move silently as a ranger of same level
5) can cast Animal Friendship once per day
7) hide in woodland (as hiding in shadows) as ranger of same level

Ehlonna's Spells

Level 2



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