Eilistraee's Moonfire

By means of this spell, the caster can conjure controlled moonfire. Moonfire can range frorn a faint glow to a clear, bright (but not blinding) light, varying in hue as desired: blue-white, soft green, white, and silver. It serves as a source of light for reading, finding way, and attracting others to a desird location. Moonfire is the same as the strongest moonlight for all purposes.

Eilistraee's moonfire lasts for one round per level of the caster. Concentration is not required to maintain it, but it can be ended at will by the summoner, by a successful dispel magic spell, or by any darkness spell cast against it for this purpose (which the Eilistraee's moonfire negates during its own destruction).

Moonfire always appears to emanate from some part of the body of the priest casting the spell, but it can move about as the wills. Priests of 4th level or higher can cause moonfire to move away from their bodies altogether, drifting about in the manner akin to dancing lights. Moonfire moves the caster's body as rapidly as desired, but when no longer in contact with the caster it can drift in any direction (and through the tiniest openings) at a rate of up to 40 feet per round. Moonfire can fill as large or small an area as the priest desires, up to the volume limits of one cubic foot per level.

[Demihuman Deities]


Sphere: Sun
Level: 2
Range: Variable
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Up to 1 cubic foot/level
Saving Throw: None


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