Elemental Aura

This spell has four very different effects depending on the type (air, earth, fire, water) of elemental aura cast. Only the caster may receive an elemental aura, and it is not possible to benefit from more than one aura at one time.   Each aura is three inches thick and covers the caster's entire body. The auras have these effects:   Air (hazy white)
  • immunity to gas and air-based attacks
  • total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Air
  • ability to cast fly and protection from normal missiles once each
    Earth (dull gray)
  • immunity to attacks from nonmagical weapons made of stone or metal
  • immunity to physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Earth
  • ability to breathe and move at full movement rate within the element of earth
  • ability to cast wall of stone once
  Fire (flickering red)
  • immunity to normal and magical fire
  • total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Fire
  • ability to breathe and move at full movement rate within the element of fire
  • total protection from hostile environmental effects while traveling plane of Fire
  • ability to cast wall of fire once
  Water (shimmering blue)
  • immunity to water- and cold-based attacks
  • total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the plane of Water
  • ability to breathe and move at full movement rate within the element of water
  • ability to cast wall of ice once
  The auras do not restrict the caster in any way. He is free to move and act normally while under the influence of an aura.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Abjuration, Evocation
Level: 9
Rarity: Common for Elemental Mages, otherwise uncommon
Range: 0
Component: V
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None


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