Elemental Forbiddance

This spell prevents the entry of all elementals into the area of effect. Further, elementals outside the area of effect cannot make physical attacks against those inside. Spells and missile attacks can be cast into the area by elementals.   The spell affects a cube whose sides equal the caster's level times 5 feet (a 12th-level priest could affect an area equal to a 60' x 60' x 60' cube).   Elemental forbiddance has no effect on elementals that are within the area of effect when the spell is cast. If such elementals leave the area of effect, they cannot re-enter.   The priest must pace out the perimeter of the warded area at the time of casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Wards, Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
Level: 5
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 5'-cube/level
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
the priest's holy symbol and four glass beads, each of a different color (green, blue, red, and yellow)


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