Elven Minstrel


Elven Spell Singer.


Only elves and half-elves can become Elven Minstrels.


Of all musicians in the world, none can play as purely as an elf. Minstrels spend their entire lives seeking musical perfection. Of course, the definition of perfection differs from one culture to the next. Elves believe that music should be simple, pure, beautiful, and natural. Furthermore, those who listen should become lost in the music, and their spirits should transcend their bodies to ride upon the sweet flow of glittering notes.   Elves are a very magical race, and this is especially true of Minstrels. It is said that Minstrels cast spells by the simple strumming of an instrument.


Within elven society, Minstrels are regarded as nobles. Minstrel groups perform during annual festivals for the enjoyment of all, and kings invite them to dine in exchange for an evening's song. Outside their own culture, elven Minstrels are looked upon with envy, distrust, and some fear.   Elven Minstrels occasionally adventure out into the world. Some seek life-experience to heighten the quality of their music. Others simply wander, relishing the sensation of freedom that inspires their songs. A few Minstrels seek to purge themselves of some impure act or event.

Weapon Proficiencies

Elven Minstrels are limited to the following weapon proficiencies: blowgun, bow (any), dagger, dart, hand axe, javelin, knife, quarterstaff, sling, spear, staff sling, long and short swords, and the trident.

Non-weapon Proficiencies


Musical Instrument, Reading/Writing, Singing, Spellcraft.


Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Craft Instrument, Etiquette, Heraldry, Local History, Poetry.


Minstrels can wear only leather armor, padded armor, or elven chain mail. Even studded leather is considered too harsh for a Minstrel to don.

Special Benefits

Special Resistance

Elven Minstrels gain a + 2 saving throw bonus against all magical effects based on music. If the attack does not allow a saving throw, they receive a normal saving throw, anyway.

Spell Singing

Minstrels are some of the few beings still in existence who know the ancient art of spell singing. Some sages claim that magic was originally released into the Prime Material plane by an ancient master musician. These sages maintain that music is the true catalyst for ultimate sorcery. Whether this is true or not, it is a fact that elven Minstrels cast spells through their music.   Minstrels cannot cast spells in the typical manner. When a spell calls for a somatic component, they must play an instrument. Likewise, they must sing when a spell requires a verbal component.   Material components must be carried on the Minstrel's person in a specially prepared bag (made from deer leather). The Minstrel need not reach into the bag or manipulate the material components. When the spell is cast, the components simply vanish from within the bag. If the bag does not contain the required components, the spell does not function.   Not all instruments can be used for spell singing. First of all, if a spell requires a verbal component (singing), only those instruments that leave the Minstrel's mouth free can be used. This eliminates most of the wind instruments. If the spell requires a somatic component, the instrument must support numerous, complex hand manipulations (as is true of any stringed instrument). This eliminates gongs, cymbals, drums, and most of the percussion family. Thus, elven Minstrels typically carry stringed instruments. Keyboard instruments would work but are generally too bulky to carry around.   Spells that normally emanate from the caster's hands instead radiate from the spell singer's instrument. Thus, burning hands produces its 120-degree arc of flame from the instrument (and not the Minstrel's hands). Spell singing is in all other ways just like typical spell casting.

Influence Reactions

This ability works just like the True Bard's ability of the same name. However, a Minstrel can sing or play an instrument in an attempt to influence reactions. And, if the Minstrel does both, he can adjust the reactions by two levels instead of the typical one. This is not cumulative with the crowd working proficiency or the bard's reputation.

Counter Song

The last special benefit of the Minstrel is identical to the True Bard's counter song ability in every way.

Special Hindrances

Without an instrument, Minstrels cannot cast spells that require somatic components.
[Complete Bard's Handbook]


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