Enchanted Weapon

This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a +1 weapon, with +1 to attack and damage rolls. Thus arrows, axes, bolts, bows, hammers, maces, spears, swords, etc., can be made into temporarily enchanted weapons. Two small (arrows, bolts, daggers, etc.) or one large (axe, bow, hammer, mace, etc. ) weapon can be affected by the spell. The spell functions on existing magical weapons as long as the total combined bonus is +3 or less.

Missile weapons enchanted in this way lose their enchantment when they successfully hit a target, but otherwise the spell lasts its full duration. This spell is often used in combination with the enchant an item and permanency spells to create magical weapons, with this spell being cast once per desired plus of the bonus.

[Player's Handbook]
School: Enchantment/Charm
Level: 4
Rarity: Common
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds/ level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: powdered lime and carbon (consumed)


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