Falcon Training Equipment

This equipment makes falcon training more efficient. A character using the falconry proficiency without this equipment suffers a -2 penalty to training proficiency checks. One set is required for each falcon.

Each set consists of jesses (leather bands with rings, attached to the falcon's legs), talon guards (metal coverings for the bird's claws to prevent it from harming the owner during training), a creance (a slender leather leash attached to the jesses, held by the user or secured to the perch glove), and a hood (a leather covering fitting over the falcon-s head that restricts vision; the hood forces the falcon to rely on its senses of hearing, touch, and taste). Customized or richly appointed equipment, such as an embroidered hood or golden jesses, is also available, usually at double or triple the normal price.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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