
Description: The Falconer is an expert in the handling and training of falcons, birds of prey capable of learning an impressive range of tricks and tasks. Under the direction of a skilled Falconer, a falcon can be taught to snatch a coin purse from a victim's belt, bring down game birds in mid-flight, and fight effectively against creatures many times its size. In addition to his expertise as a bird trainer, the Falconer excels as a hunter and outdoorsman.

Requirements: Standard.

Primary Terrain: The Falconer must choose a primary terrain where falcons are most commonly found: Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, or Plains.

Role: Many Falconers serve as retainers of kings or nobles. Others freelance as guides and mercenaries. Some stage public performances in rented halls or on street corners, demonstrating their birds' remarkable stunts for appreciative crowds. Regardless of how they make a living, Falconers are held in high regard by most people, who never fail to be impressed by the Falconer's amazing rapport with his birds.

As falcons are extremely sensitive creatures, most Falconers by necessity must be even-tempered, patient, and self-assured. These traits also make the Falconer a valuable asset to an adventuring party. The Falconer's comrades will usually find him dependable and supportive, though perhaps a bit preoccupied with the needs of his bird. Sometimes falconers will have traits much like their birds--fierce, swift, and observant.

In combat, the Falconer fights aggressively, he and his falcon generally conducting their attacks against the same opponent. If his falcon and a human companion are both threatened, the Falconer will often choose to defend his falcon. To prevent misunderstandings, an honorable Falconer will make it clear where his loyalties lie before he joins an adventuring party.

Weapon Proficiencies: A Falconer must take two of his initial weapon proficiency slots in any of the following: bow (any), crossbow (light), dagger, knife, sling, spear. The remaining slots, as well as all subsequent slots, can be used for any weapon of the Falconer's choice.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Bonus: Falconry*.

Recommended: Alertness*, Bowyer/Fletcher, Endurance, Hunting, Leatherworking, Veterinary Medicine*.

Armor/Equipment: A Falconer has no special armor or equipment requirements. However, each falcon he trains requires a set of falconry training equipment.

Species Enemy: Any.

Followers: Unlike other rangers, a Falconer receives an allotment of 3d6 followers, determined at 1st level. The falconer immediately receives a falcon follower at this time, which counts against his allotment. This falcon will be exceptionally strong and able. The DM may use the statistics in the Falconry proficiency description for the initial falcon follower, as well as for any subsequent falcon followers.

Until 10th level, a Falconer can only have one follower, and that follower must be a falcon. If the falcon follower dies or is otherwise lost, a new falcon follower will arrive in accordance with the guidelines in the Ranger's Followers article. The new falcon counts against the 3d6 allotment.

A Falconer becomes eligible to receive followers other than falcons when he reaches 10th level. At 10th level and beyond, the Falconer may have more than one falcon among his followers, depending on the circumstances of the campaign and decision of the DM.

Important Note: Remember that a Falconer's follower will be a bird of rare and remarkable characteristics and loyalty. The Falconer can also train lesser birds for himself or others, using the standard training rules.

Special Benefits:

Enhanced Training: If a normal falcon has failed to learn a trick or task and become untrainable, the Falconer can try again after gaining a level.

Attuned Follower: Under certain conditions, a Falconer is able to establish an exceptionally strong bond with a falcon follower. The bond enables the falcon to learn more efficiently, and enhances communication between the falcon and the Falconer.

Whenever a Falconer acquires a new falcon follower, including the falcon he receives at 1st level, the falcon may be trained as a normal follower (see Ranger's Followers). However, once the Falconer begins to train the falcon (using either the Standard or Alternate method), the falcon cannot become attuned.

Otherwise, the Falconer can forego training until he attempts to become attuned to the new falcon. The attuning attempt takes six weeks. For at least an hour each day, the Falconer talks to the bird, strokes its feathers, and engages in other nurturing behavior. The bird learns to respond to the Falconer's voice, though the Falconer refrains from teaching it any specific tricks or tasks during this time. (In combat encounters which take place in this period, the falcon will fly to safety at the first sign of trouble, then return to the Falconer's shoulder when all's clear).

At the end of the six-week period, the Falconer makes a Wisdom check. If the check fails, the attuning attempt has likewise failed. The falcon continues its relationship with the Falconer as a normal follower. The Falconer may begin to train the falcon according to either the Standard or Alternate method described in Chapter 3. The Falconer can't make a second attempt to attune the falcon.

If the check succeeds, the falcon is attuned. Normally, the Falconer can teach the attuned falcon a task or trick each time he gains a level, at the same time he undergoes his own level training. The Falconer may also use the normal training rule, either the Standard or Alternative method. Training time is half that given in the falconry proficiency (see Chapter 5). Regardless how it is trained, an attuned falcon can learn tricks or tasks in any combination, up to one per level of the falconer. An attuned falcon never becomes untrainable.

Additionally, once a falcon becomes attuned, it receives a one-time hit point bonus equal to twice the Falconer's level. For example, if a falcon becomes attuned to a 3rd level Falconer, the falcon receives a bonus of 6 hit points. This bonus remains the same, even if the Falconer later advances in level.

The following benefits apply only to a Falconer and an attuned falcon.

Fearless Falcon: When fighting on behalf of a Falconer or under a Falconer's direction, an attuned falcon never needs to make a morale check.

Falcon Species Enemy: An attuned falcon has its own Species Enemy. When a falcon follower becomes attuned, determine its species enemy, either by rolling on the appropriate table or by the DM choosing a particular enemy. The falcon and ranger may share the same species enemy. The falcon has all of the species enemy bonuses and penalties described in the Species Enemy article.

Attack Bonus: An attuned falcon receives a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, except when fighting its species enemy (when it receives a +4 bonus).

Speak With Falcon: A Falconer who reaches 10th level acquires the ability to speak with an attuned falcon follower. The ability is similar to the 2nd level priest spell speak with animals, except it requires no components or casting time, and the Falconer can do so at will.

Mental Communication: At 15th level, the Falconer can communicate mentally with an attuned falcon follower. Both the Falconer and attuned falcon can send and receive thoughts at will, up to a distance of 100 yards per level of the Falconer. Walls or other physical boundaries have no effect on this ability.

See also Notes on Falconry

Special Hindrances: If an attuned falcon dies, or is lost for any other reason, the Falconer succumbs to grief and despair for 1-4 weeks. During this period of mourning, the Falconer makes all attack rolls and ability checks at a -2 penalty. Additionally, during this period, no new followers can be acquired, nor can the Falconer use the animal empathy ability.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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