Fharlanghn (far-LAHNG-un)

The Dweller on the Far Horizon

Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads

Oerth/Prime Material Plane, Neutral good
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Oerth / Prime Material Plane
Origin: Oeridian
Superior: None
Allies: Atroa, Celestian, Lydia, Brandobaris, and Olidammara
Enemies: None
Symbol: Wooden disc with a curved line, representing the horizon, across the upper half
Worshipper's Alignment: Any (Neutral preferred)
  As Celestian (q.v.) wanders the starroads, his elder brother, Fharlanghn, roams the four corners of the world. He is, in fact, regarded as the god of travel and distance. Fharlanghn sometimes enters the Elemental Plane of Earth, but he seldom enters that of Air and shuns those of Fire and Water. He can travel to any inner plane, however.   Fharlanghn, Dweller on the Far Horizon, is venerated as the deity of roads, as well as travel and distance, and his name is usually invoked throughout the Flanaess whenever a road is built or undergoes major repair. As the deity of travel, his symbol is seen on the doorways of inns and stables throughout the continent. His non-priestly followers are usually adventurers, merchants, and itinerants of all sorts. Services to Fharlanghn’s are conducted out of doors whenever possible, preferably under a sunny sky, and with a clear horizon in view.   Brother of the Oeridian god Celestian and lover of Atroa, he is on amiable terms with nonevil earth gods and several nature gods. His symbol is a wooden disc carved with the curved line of the horizon, and he carries a magical version of this symbol called the Oerth Disc. He is the patron of those who walk or ride long distances (including travelers in tunnels, and as such is praised by those who must use mountain passes or travel the Underdark).   Fharlanghn is portrayed as a middle-aged man with weathered and wrinkled brown skin and bright green eyes. He is plain-clothed and unencumbered, carrying only an iron-shod staff and a disc with a curved surface representing the horizon. The disc is made of many woods and is inlaid with jade and turquoise. A bright golden sun-disc is set into the object. Fharlanghn is known to use the disc for divinations. Since travel is perilous in much of the Flanaess, more folk now turn to Fharlanghn with offerings, if not actual worship. His priesthood is small, a wandering fellowship. Services to the deity are always outdoors, preferably under a sunny sky, and involve telling of traveler's tales, sharing stories of good people, and bestowing blessings on the worshipers while drinking ale and sharing simple food.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics, Specialty Priests
Alignment: Any (neutral preferred)
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No
There is no organized Church of Fharlanghn. The church is comprised of wandering clerics (who favor green and minister to those on the roads) and settled clerics (who favor brown and are usually older clerics whose wandering days are behind them).


People need to move about and see new things. Be open to travel, as the world may change overnight and you may be in need of a new home or perspective. Look to the horizon for inspiration — the far end of the world has new peoples, new cultures, new magic, and new roads to walk.

Day-to-day Activities

Clerics of Fharlanghn are encouraged to travel the world and see new things. They bless caravans, explore exotic lands, scout for armies, and record lore on distant places and people. Because they learn many languages and cultures, they act as translators and diplomats. Many aid in the construction of roadways and bridges, and a pair of shoes made by one of his clerics is said to last longer than any other.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days

After spending an entire year preparing themselves by walking outdoors for 8 hours a day, a worshipper of Fharlanghn may elect to undergo the Eternal Pilgrimage. The Eternal Pilgrimage has no set time limit, direction, or length. It lasts as long as the pilgrim feels is appropriate. The pilgrim must only travel by walking, and may not visit the same location more than once a day. They offer company to lonely travelers and always share their fires with strangers. Those bandits who would take advantage of the pilgrims' friendly reputation to pose as one of them usually vanish, only bloodstained robes hanging from nooses by the side of the road remaining as evidence of the vengeance of the faithful.   Prayers to Fharlanghn are anecdotes intended to teach a lesson. Many of them involve a wise old man and a foolish young man, often crossing a river. His rituals, apart from the Eternal Pilgrimage, are short and to the point. His services are usually held outdoors, preferably beneath a sunny sky, with the horizon in view. The faithful of Fharlanghn rely on other deities to bless their births, marriages, or dead.

Major Centers of Worship

The priesthood of Fharlanghn is of two sorts, the urban and the pastoral. The former wear brown robes and generally are found in small chapels in communities. Those of the pastoral order wear green robes and minister by traveling the highways and byways, occasionally stopping at wayside shrines to Fharlanghn.   Worshippers of Fharlanghn are most active in the Central and Southwest regions of the Flanaess. Followers of this deity are typically adventurers, merchants, itinerants, and the like. Services are often conducted outdoors, under the sunny sky.

Priestly Vestments/Adventuring Garb

Clerics of Fharlanghn usually wear simple clothing of brown or faded green.

Specialty Priests (Travelers)

Abilities: Standard Ability Scores
Alignment: Neutral Good, Neutral
Weapons: any nonedged weapon (quarterstaff 1st)
Armor: Any nonmetal
Raiment: brown or green robes, very plain and ordinary
Major Spheres: Astral, Elemental (air, earth), Summoning, Travelers, Weather
Minor Spheres: Combat, Creation, Healing, Protection, Wards
Special Abilities: none
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No

Granted Powers

1) all MV rates increased by 25%
3) all ability checks for jogging/running made with +3 bonus
5) Dimension Door once/day
9) Wind Walk once/day
  This is a small, wandering priesthood, ever eager to set foot on the road. The priests are practical folk, yet trusting and almost naive in their faith. Collecting tales of the road, recording them, or drawing scenes from far lands are the delight of these priests. They are kindly people who always offer generosity to other travelers. The priesthood does include some urban members, but these are often elderly priests whose traveling days are done.   Fharlanghn’s priesthood is most active in the Central and Southwestern Flanaess. There are two sorts of priests: urban and pastoral. Urban priests wear brown robes and maintain small chapels in towns and cities. Pastoral priests wear green robes. Although they maintain small wayside shrines, pastoral priests are wanderers, seldom remaining in one place long and preaching as they go from shrine to shrine. All clerics of Fharlanghn have an acute sense of direction when wandering the outdoors. At first level, all Fharlanghn clerics have a 35% chance to avoid getting lost when traveling outdoors (seeDMG‘),and this increases 1%for each level gained.

Fharlanghn Spells

First Level

Endure Cold/Endure Heat
Locate Animals or Plants

Second Level

Resist Fire/Resist Cold

Third Level

Create Food & Water
Locate Object

Fourth Level

Plant Door

Fifth Level

Pass Plant

Sixth Level

Find the Path
Transport Via Plants


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