Flare Arrow

Designed so that the archer may be more easily found or so that a distraction for enemies can be created, the flare arrow produces an intensely bright light in the skies, visible for long distances on clear nights.

The arrowhead is a special detachable piece. It houses a small air-catching device that slows the arrow on its descent, allowing it to drift to the earth instead of plummeting. The interior of the arrow is filled with a slow-burning, elven powder that flares brightly when ignited. This powder is a closely guarded secret of the elf crafters.

To send a flare arrow, one simply touches a flame to the fuse trailing behind the fletching and shoots the arrow into the sky. The head detaches when the arrow reaches the top of its flight, releasing the parachute, which ignites the powder. The arrow burns merrily all the way to the ground. Naturally, flare arrows can only be used once. Unfortunately, they are somewhat fragile, and they break rather easily.

If fired at an enemy, a flare arrow shatters, causing 1d4 points of damage and spreading its load of powder all over the target's body. There is a 50% chance that the arrow's fuse will light the powder on this enemy, causing 1d4 points of damage per round for three rounds. It can only be extinguished by immersing one's entire body in water. Simply beating at the flames or throwing water on them will not extinguish them.

The flare arrow's range is S: 5, M: 10, and L: 15. If fired straight up, it can go as high as 120 yards.

Cost: 10 gp each

Weight: 1/5 lb.

[Complete Book of Elves]


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