Forest Runner

Description: Wherever a corrupt or oppressive regime holds power, there's bound to be a Forest Runner. Forest Runners rise in opposition to such regimes, living on the fringes of society, usually one step ahead of the law. They're criminals only in a technical sense, as they adhere to a personal code that compels them to wage war against greedy aristocrats and unjust rulers. While the powers-that-be view the Forest Runner as a lawless troublemaker, commoners see him as hero, perhaps their best hope against a tyrannical government.

Constantly on the move, Forest Runners live by their wits and have learned to make do with minimal resources. They excel in combat and make formidable opponents. Ever active and brimming with self-confidence, Forest Runners delight in harassing authority figures, particularly the pompous and well-to-do. Many a hapless aristocrat has been left bound, gagged, and penniless after a humiliating roadside encounter with a Forest Runner.

Any time after reaching 4th level, the Forest Runner will acquire a personal nemesis. This is an NPC of near equal level whose campaign goal is to capture or kill the Forest Runner.

Requirements: A Forest Runner must have a Charisma score of at least 12.

Primary Terrain: Most Forest Runners hail from civilized regions in Forest, Hill, Plains, Mountain, or Jungle. However, no terrain type is excluded, providing it contains a reasonably sized and sufficiently corrupt settlement. (A Forest Runner from a primary terrain other than Forest, modifies the name accordingly, such as Mountain Runner, Swamp Runner, and so on.)

Role: The Forest Runner is usually selfless, resourceful, and roguishly charming. A loner by circumstance and not by choice, a Forest Runner readily allies with adventuring parties who share his outlook. As a champion of underdogs everywhere, the Forest Runner doesn't necessarily feel bound to his homeland, and may journey anywhere in the world to promote justice. Occasionally, he may join a party to acquire treasure for distribution to the needy. If the local authorities are putting the heat on, he may accompany a party simply to disappear for a while.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Forest Runner receives a bonus weapon proficiency slot, above and beyond those he's normally allowed. The bonus slot must be filled with one of the following weapons: long bow, quarterstaff, long sword, or dagger. He must then fill three of his first six slots with the remaining weapons on this list. Once he's met this requirement, he may fill subsequent slots with any weapons of his choice.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Required: Bowyer/Fletcher.

Recommended: Alertness*, Blacksmithing, Camouflage*, Disguise, Endurance, Leatherworking, Persuasion*, Riding, Land Based, Rope Use, Weaponsmithing.

Armor/Equipment: Standard.

Species Enemy: A Forest Runner's species enemy should have some association with the corrupt regime he opposes. It may be the king's pet (such as a wolf or tiger), an evil race with which the monarchy has aligned itself (goblins or ogres), a symbol of the government (a snake or a hydra) or a creature the opposed officials have used in war (a dragon or a giant).

Followers: Any.

Special Benefits:

Stealth: The Forest Runner has a +5% chance to hide in natural surroundings and a +5% chance to move silently.

Inspire: Once per day, prior to making an attack, a Forest Runner may spend 2-5 (1d4+1) rounds boosting the morale of his companions with flattering words and expressions of confidence. He can influence a number of companions equal to his level. If the Forest Runner makes a successful Charisma check afterwards, the companions enjoy a +2 bonus to their morale for the next 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Each companion also receives a +1 bonus to his first attack roll. The inspiring speech doesn't affect animals, other Forest Runners, or himself. The Forest Runner can't attempt to inspire his companions in the midst of battle or while they're occupied in any other activity.

Disguise: The Forest Runner can take the Disguise proficiency for one proficiency slot.

Reaction Bonus: In his homeland or any region where his reputation precedes him, a Forest Runner can count on food and shelter at no charge for himself and his companions from supportive commoners. A Forest Runner also receives a +1 reaction modifier from peasants of good or neutral alignment of all cultures.

Special Hindrances: Forest Runners will rarely develop a close relationship with any NPC with political power. Additionally, a Forest Runner runs a constant risk of arrest by authorities of his homeland, as well as from other regimes with which his homeland has extradition agreements. Law-enforcement authorities may plague a Forest Runner through his entire career.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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