Giant Killer

Description: The Giant Killer is a skilled combatant, often from humble beginnings, trained to the specific purpose of slaying giants. He has mastered combat techniques designed to fell giants, and has become an expert in their behavior and habits. A Giant Killer is nothing if not confident; a giant's immense size merely means he makes a good target.

For the purposes of this kit, giants include true giants, such as: cloud giants, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, stone giants, and storm giants. Also included are giant-kin, such as cyclops, ettins, firbolg, fomorians, verbeeg, and voadkyn. The DM may augment this list with other giants relevant to his particular campaign.

Requirements: A Giant Killer must have a minimum score of 15 in both Strength and Dexterity.

Primary Terrain: Any terrain is acceptable, so long as some type of giant calls it home.

Role: Giant Killers have keen minds, strong bodies, and unshakable egos. Most Giant Killers tirelessly promote their own skills and accomplishments, boasting of their latest triumphs to anyone who'll listen. Not surprisingly, their reputations precede them in most civilized regions. However, reactions among residents vary. For every person who reveres the Giant Killer as a hero, there's another who dismisses him as a blowhard. But when giants plague a community, everyone welcomes a Giant Killer with open arms.

Even when their services are desperately needed, Giant Killers rarely exploit their position. Most charge only modest fees, or settle for a medal or other token of appreciation in lieu of payment. As often as not, Giant Killers seek no remuneration of any kind, fighting giants for the sheer pleasure of it.

Unsurprisingly, the mere promise of an encounter with a giant is reason enough for most Giant Killers to join an adventuring party. For the most part, a Giant Killer leaves decision-making to others. Though in principle, he may share the party's fervor for the expedition at hand, he's usually more concerned with finding giants. He may become impatient and surly if the party goes for too long without meeting one.

The Giant Killer relishes violent encounters of all kinds, if only to exercise his combat skills. Of course, he comes into his own when fighting giants, and it's a wise party that follows his lead in such situations.

Weapon Proficiencies: Because the Giant Killer faces tall adversaries, he must become proficient with missiles and hurled weapons. The first weapon slot, and every odd slot (third, fifth, and so on), must be a missile weapon: bow (any), crossbow (any), sling, staff sling, or any melee weapon that can be hurled. The even-numbered slots may be filled with any weapons of the Giant Killer's choice.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Giant Killers pursue their interest in giants with such single-mindedness that they have little time left to master other skills. Therefore, a Giant Killer is allowed only one nonweapon proficiency at first level. This must be selected from the following: Bowyer/Fletcher, Cobbling, Cooking, Hunting, Pottery, Riding, Land Based, Running, Seamstress/Tailor, Swimming, Weaving.

Armor/Equipment: Giant Killers have no special equipment requirements. They often carry shields decorated with medals and ribbons awarded them from grateful communities for slaying troublesome giants. Though such shields can be used normally, they're mainly for show; Giant Killers generally put them aside before engaging a giant in battle.

Species Enemy: None; however, see Special Bonuses against giants.

Followers: Normal (but see optional rule).

Special Benefits:

Attack Bonuses: A Giant Killer has all the following bonuses when attacking giants:

  • Giant Killers inflict bonus damage against giants, +1 point of damage for every level of the Giant Killer. For example, if a 7th level Giant Killer makes a successful attack with a spear, the giant suffers 1-8 points of damage from the spear, plus 7 for the Giant Killer's level.
  • Giants have a base -4 to hit when attacking Giant Killers. A giant with a THAC0 of 10 needs a 14 to hit a Giant Killer with AC 0.
  • Giant Killers can dodge giant attacks. If a giant with initiative attacks and hits, the Giant Killer may give up his action to dodge. If the Giant Killer saves vs. death magic, the giant's attack misses. If the Giant Killer has initiative, he can dodge instead of attacking for the round.

Infuriate: A Giant Killer can goad a giant into making careless and ill-conceived attacks. To infuriate a giant, the Giant Killer spends two rounds darting between the giant's legs, waving his hands, and hollering insults. The Giant Killer cannot make attacks or take any other actions while attempting to infuriate the giant; if interrupted (to dodge, for example), he must start over. During this time, the giant can attack the Giant Killer; however, because of the Giant Killer's erratic movement, the giant's attacks are made at an additional -2 penalty.

At the end of this period, the giant makes a saving throw vs. spells. If the throw succeeds, nothing special happens. If the throw fails, the giant becomes enraged for the next 2-12 (2d6) rounds. During that time, the giant directs all of his attacks against the Giant Killer; the giant's attacks are made at an additional -4 penalty. The Giant Killer may attack normally while the giant is infuriated.

Optional Rule: Follower Infuriation

A Giant Killer may enhance his chances of infuriating a giant by using an animal follower that has been trained to infuriate. The follower, which must be a bird or other flying creature of small size (S), learns this trick in accordance to the Training Followers rules in Chapter 3. The trick counts against the follower's normal limit of tricks and tasks. Only a Giant Killer can train a follower to infuriate.

While the Giant Killer is executing his infuriating routine, the follower may also infuriate the giant by swooping around his head and screeching. The giant's saving throw against the infuriation is reduced by a -2 penalty for the infuriating follower. This effect is not cumulative with additional followers. An infuriated giant might direct its attacks at the infuriating follower in addition to the Giant Killer. If the giant tries to attack an infuriating follower, the follower successfully dodges the blow unless the attack roll is a 19 or 20. A follower can't attempt to infuriate alone. A follower can only augment the infuriating attempts of the Giant Killer.

Giant Lore: If a Giant Killer discovers a footprint, lair, campsite, or any other physical evidence of a giant, a successful Wisdom roll enables him to learn some general information about the giant in question. Such information may include the giant's type, approximate size, and companions. He may also learn how recently the giant was in the area and in what direction the giant traveled. The DM decides the quality and amount of information the Giant Killer receives.

Special Hindrances:

Tracking Limitation: Unlike other rangers, the tracking ability of the Giant Killer is limited to tracking giants. A Giant Killer who selects a general Tracking proficiency can track other creatures as non-ranger character.

Because Giant Killers seldom make an effort to conceal their identities, they're often singled out for harassment. Insecure villagers may challenge Giant Killers to duels to impress their friends, or bullies may ambush Giant Killers to demonstrate their toughness.

To avenge the death of a companion, some giants may target Giant Killers for assassination. Giant tribes occasionally offer bounties for proof of a Giant Killer's death, making the Giant Killer a prime candidate for attacks.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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