Giant-kin, Firbolg

Giant-kin, Firbolg Ability Score Range


Ability Score Adjustments: The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 bonus to Strength and a -2 penalty to Charisma.

Hit Dice: Player character firbolgs receive hit dice by class. In addition they receive 13 bonus hit points at first level.

Alignment: Firbolgs tend toward neutral or chaotic good. PC firbolgs may be of any alignment, but are usually chaotic good.

Natural Armor Class: 3

Allowed Classes: Fighter, Shaman

Multiclass: Fighter/Shaman

Height & Weight: Humanoid Average Height & Weight table

Age: Humanoid Age Table

Kit Summary: Humanoid Character Kit Summary

Background: Firbolgs are the most powerful of the giant-kin. They look like normal humans who have grown to a height of 10 1/2 feet tall and weigh over 800 pounds. Stylish firbolgs wear their hair long and grow long, thick beards. Their pink skin is very dense and thick, giving them a low natural armor class. They have smooth voices of deep bass and thick, rolling consonants.

These great giant-kin live in remote forests and hills. They distrust most other civilized races and tend to avoid them whenever possible. They get along with druids and faerie creatures, including elves. They do not attack or kill without reason, but they love to engage in pranks which relieve strangers of their valuables.

They have close-knit communities centered around the family or clan. Clans exist as gatherers or nomads, coming together at least once a year with other clans to celebrate or make important decisions.

Firbolgs live off the land, but they also live in harmony with it. They trade their great strength for food with other peaceful folk, supplementing their diet by gathering and hunting. Few monsters bother firbolgs, and they avoid true giants other than storm giants. They refuse to allow other giant-kin to roam their territories.

Languages: (non-native languages require a nonweapon proficiency slot be spent) Firbolg, common, storm giant.

Role-Playing Suggestions: Firbolgs are extremely confident and quite fearless in most instances. They are a cautious and crafty race, and over the years they have learned to distrust and fear humans and demihumans. They are not overly aggressive, preferring to avoid encounters through hiding and deception. When forced to fight, they employ grand strategies which utilize the terrain and situation around them to best effect. They are taught to operate as a group,not as individuals, and they will carry this trait with them when they take up with adventuring groups.

Firbolg PCs usually adventure to gain knowledge. They are especially interested in increasing their understanding of magic or their collection of treasure. They do not ask for much from their companions, nor do they expect to give much beyond what is fair.

Firbolgs can use any large weapons. They disdain the use of armor and shields. Only the lesser races need such protection.

Like all giant-kin, firbolg PCs seem strange and aloof to other player characters. Their motivations are different than those of smaller folk; for example, they often try to live up to the ideals of storm giants, making them seem even more strange to lesser folk.

Special Advantages: Firbolgs have magical powers usable once per day. These develop, in order, at odd-numbered levels, starting at 3rd level. The powers are: Detect Magic {Wizard Spell}, diminution (as double the potion), Fool's Gold, Forget, and Alter Self. These cannot be used when the firbolg is engaged in melee combat.

Firbolgs can use large human weapons (like two-handed swords and halberds) with one hand without penalty.

When using weapons of their own make (huge double-sized versions of human weapons), firbolg can wield them with both hands to inflict double damage.

Firbolgs can swat away incoming missiles with a roll of 6 or better on 1d20. With one free hand, they can bat away upto two missiles per round. Large missiles, such as hurled boulders or catapult missiles, can be caughtif the firbolg wishes. Caught missiles can be hurled backat opponents on the next round with a -2 penalty to the attack roll.

Special Disadvantages: Firbolgs have 15% magic resistance, even against magic that is beneficial.

Firbolgs never wear armor of any sort, nor do they carry shields.

Firbolgs take damage as large creatures.

When using man-made weapons, firbolg cannot apply their Strength bonuses.

Firbolgs must earn double the experience points of the base class to advance each level (for a fighter, 2nd level at 4,000, 3rd at 8,000, and so on).

Firbolg Shamans: Firbold shamans must earn triple the experience points of the base clerical class to advance as shamans. For each level advanced as a shaman, the firbolg receives 2d6 hit points and the standard shaman spell allotment.

In addition, firbolg shamans gain additional innate magical abilities of the illusion/phantasm school. At 1st to 5th level, they receive two 1st level spells at each level. At 6th and 7th levels they receive two 2nd level spells. As innate abilities, these are randomly determined, and do not change once they are established. Each of these illusionist spells can be used once per day.

Monstrous Traits: Size.

Superstitions: Firbolg have an innate fear of human and demihuman mobs.

Weapon Proficiencies: Club, halberd, giant-kin halberd, giant-kin two-handed sword, two-handed sword.

Suggested Nonweapon Proficiencies: Agriculture, Animal Handling, Animal Training, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Eating, Gaming, Herbalism, Hunting, Intimidation, Reading/Writing, Set Snares, Weaponsmithing, Weather Sense.

[Complete Book of Humanoids]


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