Guardian {Ranger Kit}

Description: The Guardian is a self-appointed protector of the wilderness. Compelled by a strong sense of duty, he has assumed responsibility for an unsettled tract of land, doing his utmost to maintain it in its natural state and protect its animal occupants. Though he feels kindly towards woodsmen, elves, and others who share his respect for nature, he has little patience for those who would exploit the wilderness for gain or spite.

A Guardian constantly monitors the region he has sworn to protect. He scrutinizes the activity of strangers, advises travelers, and intercepts careless hunters. He keeps an eye out for fires, floods, and other natural disasters, and does what he can to comfort animals in times of crisis.

Domain: All Guardians have a specific region that they protect. The DM should establish the boundaries of a Guardian's domain at the beginning of his career. There are no fixed rules for assigning domains, but in general, a 1st level Guardian's domain shouldn't exceed a few square miles. The domain expands by several square miles each time the Guardian increases in level. By 5th level, a Guardian's domain might encompass a region about 20-25 miles across. By 15th level or higher, the domain might comprise an area the size of a small country.

A Guardian's domain should correspond to his primary terrain. The domain is typically located in an uncivilized part of the world, such as a remote mountain range or unexplored jungle. Two or more Guardians may share an especially large domain, but such cases are rare.

Requirements: Standard.

Primary Terrain: Forest, Hill, Jungle, Mountain, or Plains.

Role: A Guardian operates of his own volition, having no official sanction or title. He carries out his custodial duties as he sees fit, taking whatever steps he deems necessary to protect his domain. Despite his independence, he usually maintains good working relationships with officials of bordering lands. The relationship benefits both parties. The Guardian notifies the officials of approaching armies or other potential threats, while the officials may provide help for problems the Guardian can't handle alone. Though many governments would jump at the chance to have such able warriors in their employ, Guardians resist all such offers, and steadfastly maintain their autonomy.

An adventuring party entering a Guardian's domain has a good chance of encountering the Guardian himself. A Guardian will usually agree to guide a party through his domain and--presuming the party's intentions are compatible with the Guardian's philosophy--assist them in their efforts. Though a Guardian is reluctant to leave his domain, he may do so if presented with a compelling reason, such as the ravaging of a pristine wilderness or a threat to the ecology in another land.

Guardians tend to be self-sufficient, clear-headed, and conscientious. They make excellent leaders. Though a Guardian may develop deep friendships with other party members, he always parts company at the end of an adventure, returning to his domain as soon as he can.

Weapon Proficiencies: Bow (any) or crossbow (any), dagger, javelin, knife, quarterstaff, sling, spear, staff sling.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Bonus: Hunting or Fishing.

Recommended: Agriculture, Bowyer/Fletcher, Fire-Building, Fishing, Foraging*, Herbalism, Hunting, Riding, Land Based, Rope Use, Set Snares, Swimming, Veterinary Healing*, Weather Sense.

Armor/Equipment: Standard.

Species Enemy: Any.

Followers: A Guardian acquires at least one human or demihuman follower at some point in his career. There are no other restrictions or recommendations.

Special Benefits:

Bonus Sphere: The Guardian has minor access to the Protection sphere.

Bonus Spells: A Guardian can cast certain spells within the boundaries of his domain. These are Detect Evil (three times per day), Bless and Commune With Nature (once per week each).

Revive Plants: This ability enables the Guardian to revitalize any type of natural plant life suffering from drought, disease, insect infestation, or other forms of non-magical trauma. Dead plants can't be affected, nor can the Guardian invigorate plants beyond their normal limits (for instance, a Guardian can't cause an apple tree to blossom in the winter).

The process requires 8 hours and can affect a square area whose sides are 10 yards times the Guardian's level (a 5th level Guardian can revive all of the plant life within a 50 yd. - 50 yd. square). The Guardian can use this ability once per month.

Special Hindrances: If a Guardian leaves his domain for any length of time, he must make arrangements for someone else to assume his duties. He may hire a caretaker, or assign temporary custody of his domain to a human or demihuman follower. There are no fixed penalties for a Guardian who fails to do this. However, should a Guardian abandon his responsibilities for more than a few days, the gods may deny him the use of the special benefits associated with this kit. If he's absent for longer periods--say, a few weeks--the gods may also deny him the use of all spells. The Guardian recovers use of his special benefits and spells as soon as he returns to his domain.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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