Hextor's Fitness

When this spell is employed, the caster (or other subject) grows in height, weight, and strength, while at the same time gaining a temporary boost in Strength and Constitution scores. Note that general appearance does not otherwise change, so the individual is recognizable. For every 2 levels possessed by the caster of Hextor’s fitness, the subject can, at the caster’s option, gain 1 inch of height, 10 pounds of weight, and for every 6 levels one point each of Strength and Constitution - this effective gain does not add to hit points gained from an enhanced Constitution. Higher strength scores grant the recipient bonuses to attack and damage rolls, but enhanced strength and constitution scores cannot exceed 18.

[Oerth Journal #9 (February 1999) ; Hextor: The Herald of Hell by Will McPherson]


Sphere: All, Combat
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn / level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 subject
Saving Throw: None


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