Horn of Plenty

This spell temporarily transforms a hollowed out horn into a magical cornucopia. In the first 5 rounds after the spell is cast, fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains tumble forth from the horn of plenty, in quantities sufficient to feed up to six human-sized creatures or two horse-sized creatures for one day. In the second 5 rounds, wine, water, or ale gushes forth from the horn of plenty sufficient to quench the thirsts of up to six human-sized creatures or two horse-sized creatures per level of the caster for one day. During the casting, the caster must specify the type or types of fruits, vegetables, and grains and the type of liquid to be dispensed. It is up to the caster to determine how, if at all, the food or beverage is to be contained so that it does not spill all over the ground; caster's often arrange to have containers placed on the ground to catch the bounty. The enchantment of the horn of plenty fades once the spell expires, but any food or drink created by means of this spell is permanent and nonmagical in nature and spoils and decays normally.


Sphere: Creation
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: The hollowed out horn of a ram or giant ram
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol and a hollowed ram/giant ram horn


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